New Zealand Claims Resolution Service launches
Posted: 20 February 2023

NZCRS is available from today and will provide free expert support to homeowners having difficulty with their insurance claims after natural disasters to avoid disputes, resolve issues and ensure claims are settled in a timely manner.
The service will provide residential homeowners with advice and case management support where appropriate. It will also provide access to legal, technical and wellbeing services to help homeowners achieve timely, fair, and enduring resolution of their residential insurance claims resulting from natural disasters.
The establishment of the NZCRS will mean that the level of support available to homeowners affected by the Canterbury Earthquake Sequences will now be available to New Zealanders across the country and for all natural disasters.
The process for homeowners to follow
Homeowners who are impacted by any natural disasters should talk to their insurer in the first instance.
If they have concerns about their claim or are unsure about the process, they can contact NZCRS on 0508 624 327, email or visit
Homeowners affected by the recent floods and Cyclone Gabrielle
For those impacted by the Auckland weather event, NZCRS will have case managers at your community support hubs. To know locations, visit
NZCRS is continuing to assess the need across areas affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and will provide further information on our website of when we will be in your area.
The Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service and the Residential Advisory Service
NZCRS replaces the Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service (GCCRS) and the Residential Advisory Service (RAS).
Homeowners currently accessing GCCRS will see no change to the services they are currently receiving as they continue to work through their earthquake claims. Those currently working with RAS will see an increase in the support they can now access.
All existing homeowners accessing GCCRS will automatically be transferred into the new service. Homeowners accessing RAS services will hear from their case managers about additional services that may be available to them and will also receive access to the homeowner portal on the NZCRS website.
Christchurch and Canterbury homeowners are able to lodge new earthquake-related claims with the NZCRS.
Origins of the NZCRS
The development of a standing national service to respond to homeowner concerns with insurance claims was recommended in 2020 by the Public Inquiry into the Canterbury Earthquake Commission.
In the establishment of the NZCRS, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has engaged with a range of stakeholders including existing advisory groups, the insurance industry and the insurance dispute resolution sector.
Where to go for more information
To find out more information about NZCRS, including information about the GCCRS and RAS, visit