Consultation is open on proposed changes to the building levy
Posted: 17 April 2023

Applicants pay a fee on all successful building consents for projects that are worth more than a prescribed threshold. This payment is called the building levy.
The building levy funds a range of Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) functions and activities, including:
- creating and amending building policy
- providing guidance and advice on building policies
- delivering building compliance and enforcement services
- monitoring and reporting on the policies and their impact on the building sector.
These functions provide a range of benefits, including improved building safety and longevity, a better understanding of their obligations when building and assurance of safety for those who may purchase a building.
Building levy consultation
MBIE have released a consultation document for public feedback, and are seeking feedback on the following proposed changes:
- Increasing the levy threshold from $20,444 to $65,000.
- Reducing the levy rate from $1.75 to $1.48 (including GST) per $1,000 and part $1000.
- Increasing investment in MBIE’s Building System Performance services.
Have your say
MBIE wants to hear from anyone who interacts with the building levy. This includes:
- people who have paid or will be paying a building levy in the future
- if you collect the building levy (Building Consent Authorities)
- if you interact with the building regulatory system and receive any of the services funded by the building levy.
Your feedback will help us strengthen and improve the building regulatory system.
To learn about the proposed changes to the building levy and make a submission visit the Have Your Say page.
Have your say about the building levy -
More information about the building levy
Submissions for the building levy consultation close at 5pm on Monday 29 May 2023.