Leading the way for new seismic engineering practices
Posted: 14 March 2024

Technical specification 1170.5 Structural design actions - Part 5: Earthquake actions - New Zealand is ready for public comment and we encourage all interested parties to have their say.
TS 1170.5 looks to expand on learnings gained since the publication of both the updated National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) and the existing Building Code compliant standard NZS1170.5:2004. It aims to provide a means for engineers to voluntarily test, and put into practice, new technical specifications within the context of the updated NSHM.
NZS 1170.5:2004 remains the referenced standard for compliance with the New Zealand Building Code. Structural engineers use it to assess and calculate the forces and deformations from earthquakes acting on buildings and other structures. It helps engineers design structures that comply with the New Zealand Building Code’s earthquake resistance requirements. The standard is sponsored by Building Performance (the building regulator), giving free access to anyone who wants to use it.
Technical specifications developed through Standards New Zealand follow international good practice in developing consensus-agreed industry-led guidance. The new technical specification will provide a quicker solution in a rapidly changing environment, allowing for ‘road testing’ before integration in a subsequent development of a standard.
The new technical specification does not change the requirements of the earthquake-prone building (EPB) system. All seismic assessments, including voluntary seismic assessments, should still follow the same approach as for the national earthquake-prone building system and use the current NZS 1170.5:200.
The consultation has been extended, and now closes on Wednesday 3 April, 2024.
Have your say on draft Technical Specification TS1170.5 - Standards New Zealand