Submissions summary on proposed building law changes now available
Posted: 6 August 2019
The summary is available on the MBIE website.
The goal of the reforms is to create an efficient regulatory system that supports a high-performing building sector to deliver safe and durable buildings.
"The feedback we received strongly supports the need for legislative change, and shows a high level of support for many of the proposals," says Anna Butler, General Manager of Building System Performance.
"We also received a lot of valuable feedback on how the proposals can be refined, and how they can go further in some areas to make sure we achieve what's needed."
High-quality submissions were received from a wide range of stakeholders, including a number of large representative bodies and individuals with considerable building sector expertise. “We’re now making sure we take on board all the key insights we've received as we prepare detailed advice on the proposals for the Minister for Building and Construction,” says Ms Butler.
The Minister is expected to present a paper to Cabinet over the coming months to confirm the next steps for the reform programme. An announcement will be made following Cabinet's decisions, with legislative changes likely to be rolled out over the next two to five years.
"Still ahead of us is a vast amount of work to develop the detailed legislative design," says Ms Butler. "There will be opportunities to engage with us through this process, and again through the select committee process next year."