
B Stability

B Stability contains Clause B1 Structure and Clause B2 Durability.

B1 Structure requires buildings, building elements and sitework to withstand the combination of loads and physical conditions they are likely to experience during construction, alteration and throughout their lives. Loads and physical conditions include self-weight, temperature, water, earthquakes, snow, wind, fire.

B2 Durability must always be considered when demonstrating compliance with each of the clauses of the Building Code. It ensures that a building throughout its life will continue to satisfy the performance of the Building Code. It confirms the use of materials that will remain functional throughout the specified intended life of the building, but not less than 50, 15 or 5 years.

Councils may consider a waiver or modification to the durability period of a building element under section 67 of the Building Act 2004. 

Record of amendments is a record of changes to the acceptable solutions, verification methods and handbooks.

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