The Building Code update is a maintenance programme created to ensure effective management of the Building Code and its documents. This can include updates to the Building Code regulations, Acceptable Solutions, Verification Methods and published guidance information. Updating the Building Code regularly helps ensure it keeps pace with modern construction methods.
Update process
MBIE regularly consults on the Building Code documents providing an opportunity for the public and sector to submit feedback on the proposed changes.
After the consultation closes, all submissions are considered and analysed before we release the outcome of consultation and updated documents are published.
Recommended topics for the update are generated by MBIE engineers, architects and other technical staff within the Building Performance and Engineering team based on current priorities and available resources. Additional advice on these topics is also provided by the Code Advisory Panel.
Submitting feedback
If you have any suggestions to improve the Building Code compliance documents outside of the consultation period, email us
Work programme

Programme of work
The Building Code update outlines the topics being worked on for current and future consultations. These topics supports other programmes of work such as higher-density housing and Building for Climate Change.

Dates to remember
MBIE regularly updates the Building Code compliance pathways, building regulations, acceptable solutions, verification methods, guidance and information.
Stay updated
To be notified about the consultation, sign up to get the latest information and updates.
Recent updates
2022 Building Code update
MBIE consults on Building Code changes that aim to ensure new buildings better protect the safety of New Zealanders.
2021 Building Code update
More insights and information on the proposed changes in the Building Code Update 2021 consultation.
November 2020 Building Code update
The November 2020 Building Code decisions have been published.
November 2019 Building Code update
November 2019 amendments to the Building Code published.
June 2019 Building Code update
June 2019 amendments to the Building Code published.
November 2018 Building Code update
November 2018 amendments to the Building Code published.