Most recent updates
Technical guidance
Building professionals can read, watch and download technical guidance to help you repair or rebuild Canterbury properties.
Repairing and rebuilding houses affected by the Canterbury earthquakes
This comprehensive guidance will help the repair and rebuild of residential Canterbury.
Updates and clarifications to the residential guidance
You need updates and clarifications if you are using the residential guidance.

Below-floor work – Canterbury builder guide
An overview of below-floor work in Canterbury’s green zone.

Above-floor work – Canterbury builder guide
An overview of above-floor work in Canterbury’s green zone.
Pile design options for shallow depths of liquefaction
Explanation of simplified procedure for assessing kinematic pile strains in Canterbury’s TC3 sites.
Jacking up a foundation step-by-step video guide
See how to jack up foundations to re-level floors in earthquake-damaged houses. Of interest to Builders.
Packing house piles step-by-step video guide
See how to pack earthquake damaged house piles.
Lifting wall plates step-by-step video guide
See how to lift wall plates to re-level floors in earthquake-damaged houses.

Certificates of work, producer statements, and design features reports
Understand and meet requirements for restricted building work, producer statements and design features reports.
Christchurch ground improvement trials
Results of research to find ways to strengthen land prone to liquefaction.
Building in Port Hills’ toe slump areas of mass movement (classes II and III)
Understand toe slumping, its implications and related design recommendations.
Seismic design of retaining structures for residential sites in greater Christchurch
Guidelines to design residential retaining walls to resist seismic loading.
Design of cantilever pole retaining walls to resist earthquake loading
Worked example supporting guidance on seismic design of residential retaining structures.
Building in Port Hills’ toe slump areas of mass movement (classes II and III) - FAQs
Further guidance (Q&As) on toe slumping, its implications and related design recommendations.
Concrete cantilever retaining walls to resist earthquake loading for residential
Worked example of a free-standing cantilever wall to resist earthquake loading for residential sites.
Design of concrete crib retaining walls to resist earthquake loading
Worked example supporting guidance on seismic design of residential retaining structures.
Design of a tied-back retaining wall to resist earthquake loading
Worked example to accompany guidance on seismic design of retaining structures for residential sites.
Homeowner guidance
If you are a Canterbury homeowner, use this guidance to help you repair or rebuild your property.
Repairing and rebuilding multi-unit residential buildings
Multi-unit buildings, or shared properties, are complex structures to repair and rebuild.
Technical category 3 foundation options
Find out about 3 foundation options for TC3 houses.

Understanding the technical categories
Updated questions and answers about Canterbury's green zone technical categories.

Garage repairs and rebuilds in Canterbury's green zone
Find out what you need to do to repair or rebuild your green zone garage.
Repairing, rebuilding and re-levelling foundations damaged by the Canterbury earthquakes
Find out how building professionals assess foundations damaged by earthquakes.
Commercial guidance
If you own, or are involved in repairing or rebuilding Canterbury’s earthquake-affected commercial buildings you should find this technical guidance and updates useful.
Lighter cladding and your TC3 repair or rebuild
Advice on common lighter cladding types for homeowners repairing or rebuilding in TC3 areas.
Building on ground with liquefaction potential
Find out how to build good foundations on land with liquefaction potential.
Assessment, repair and rebuild of earthquake-affected industrial buildings in Canterbury
Technical and regulatory guidance for the assessment, repair and rebuild of industrial buildings in Canterbury.