When it comes to building and renovating in Aotearoa New Zealand, there are laws to protect you.
Consumer protection measures are aimed at safeguarding people involved in residential building and renovation projects.
It is essential that both you and your builder are aware of your rights and responsibilities to ensure a successful building or renovation experience.
Find out what you can do to help the project run smoothly and what to do if things don't go to plan.
Due diligence
Before starting your renovation or building project, do your research, become informed, decide and agree how you want to manage the project.

Consumer protection measures for homeowners
Learn about the protections that apply to you, before you start your residential building or renovation project.

Consumer protection – disclosure and checklist
Understand your consumer rights during a build or renovation with the disclosure statement and the standard checklist.

Homeowner rights and obligations
Essential information about your rights and obligations as you build or renovate.

Stages of the building process
Understand building project stages, from initial scoping and design through to consents, construction and completion.
Pre-build and written contracts
Building projects do not run themselves. You need to hire competent building contractors, agree on price and payments and have a written contract.

Scope and design
Learn where to start your building or renovation project, your legal obligations and where to get more information.

Why contracts are valuable
Understand when you need a contract for your building or renovation project.

Implied contract terms
Implied contract terms for building work that is more than $30,000 if you have an oral or incomplete contract.

Choosing the right people for your type of building work
Understand who you may need to hire for your building or renovation project.
During the build
Take control of your building or renovation project. Ensure there is a clear line of communication with the building contractor. When you are making decisions along the way, be clear as to whether those decisions will affect your contract and costs. Keep track of the effect of any changes.

When to hire subcontractors for your building project
Understand the role of subcontractors and when you may need one for your building or renovation project.

Builds and problems that may occur
Some typical build problems and some options to resolve them.

Designs and problems that may occur
Problems with design need to be resolved quickly to keep the build on track.
After the build
Protect your investment by making sure you take all the necessary steps at the end of your building or renovation project.

Completing your project
Final steps to complete your build, from checking for defects to council sign-off (plus essential product information).

Once building work finishes
Learn about the paperwork that your contractor is required to give you when your building or renovation work is complete and the 12-month period to remedy defects.

Implied warranties and defects
Implied warranties can protect you for up to 10 years if defects arise once your building work has been completed.
Resolving problems
If you have concerns about the building project, raise them with the building contractor (or the key contact person) as soon as possible. Use the dispute resolution processes agreed to in your contract.