New learning modules available to help you understand the Building Code
Posted: 12 June 2020

The Building Code and how to comply with it can be very confusing, even for those who work with it day to day. To help you better understand the Building Code and how it works, Building Performance have created some online learning modules covering the Building Code, performance requirements, and compliance.
This comes just after the Government has announced it's making it easier for people to do more low-risk building work without needing a building consent, as long as the work meets the requirements of the Building Code. These changes are expected to come into effect at the end of August.
These introduction to the Building Code modules are broken into sections focusing on The Building Code, Building Performance Requirements and Building Consent Compliance. They are between one and three minutes long, easy to use and come complete with an assessment at the end (they are short videos to watch, so you may need headphones).
To access the modules, visit, press 'Start learning' and either log in as a guest or register for an account.
By following the New Zealand Building Regulatory System, we can all make sure all of our buildings are safe, healthy and durable for everyone.
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