Summary of Submissions published for the review of the building consent system

Posted: 15 December 2022

Building consent consultation update
Earlier this year the Government commenced a review of the current building consent system as the first step in a system-wide review.

The review of the building consent system is part of the Building System Reforms – these reforms are taking a comprehensive approach to lifting the performance of the building regulatory system, ensuring building work is done right the first time and providing fairer outcomes if things go wrong. They seek to make much-needed improvements so that building work can be done more efficiently and buildings are safe, healthy and durable.

The building consent system review is a key step in this programme. It is an end-to-end review from the building design phase through to the issuing of a code compliance certificate.

In July 2022 an issues discussion document was released for public consultation along with a policy position statement on risk and liability. The document aimed to build a shared understanding of issues with the current consenting system as a basis for considering future system change. The consultation, which closed on 4 September 2022, received 264 submissions from a range of stakeholders, with good representation across the entire building and construction sector. MBIE has analysed all submissions and published a summary of what we heard on our website.

MBIE will consider all feedback and suggestions provided as part of the next phase of the review. They are working to confirm the key issues and develop options for a new or revised building consent system. Further information on next steps will be published in 2023.

Review of the Building Consent System Summary of Submissions -

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