Summary of submissions published for the Building consent system review: options paper
Posted: 29 February 2024

The review of the building consent system aims to lift the performance of the building regulatory system, ensuring building work is done right the first time and providing fairer outcomes if things go wrong. They seek to make much needed improvements so that building work can be done more efficiently and buildings are safe, healthy and durable.
The review is a key step in this programme. It is an end-to-end review from the building design phase through to issuing a code compliance certificate.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) recently sought feedback on potential options to improve the building consent system. The consultation, which closed in August 2023, received 270 submissions from a wide range of participants across the sector, including building consent authorities, building control officers, industry organisations, builders, engineers, architects, tradespeople, businesses, developers and homeowners.
The Options Paper sought feedback on ways to improve consistency of decision-making, support better delivery of building consent services and alleviate capability and capacity constraints. These options included addressing barriers to voluntary amalgamation, providing greater national direction, and building greater collective capability across the country.
The aim of the consultation was to inform and refine options to improve and streamline the building consent system. It intended to encourage in-depth feedback from the public and building sector to develop a broad understanding of how these options could address current issues with the building consent system, potential risks to be mitigated and obtain any additional options that may not have been considered MBIE has now analysed all submissions and published a summary of submissions on the consultation webpage. Overall feedback indicated that the system is not fundamentally broken but there are opportunities for substantial improvement. This aligns with the Government’s intention to address long standing issues within the consenting process.
MBIE will use the feedback received to provide advice to the Government on streamlining the consenting system and improving the building system as a whole.
Read the Building Consent System: Options Paper consultation Summary of Submissions and Issues Discussion Document -