2020 Building Advisory Panel members announced

Posted: 21 July 2020

On 25 June 2020 MBIE announced the new members of the Building Advisory Panel.

The Panel will provide MBIE's Deputy Chief Executive of Building, Resources and Markets with independent strategic advice on issues facing the construction sector. It will provide guidance, advice and direction on the ways that MBIE can support an innovative and high-performing sector.

MBIE congratulates all members on their appointment.

The Panel's first meeting will be held on 27 July 2020.

Dean Kimpton (Building Advisory Panel Chair)

Dean Kimpton Dean is an engineer with extensive local government and governance experience. He is currently the director of his own consulting firm, Tuhura Consulting Limited. Prior to this, he was the Chair of the Board of QuakeCoRE, President of Engineering NZ, Auckland Council Chief Operating Officer and Managing Director of AECOM NZ Ltd.

Graham Burke

Graham Burke Graham has worked in the construction industry for over 35 years, specialising in scaffolding for the last 20 years. He was the CEO of Scaffolding, Access and Rigging NZ (SARNZ) and is currently the president of NZ Specialist Trade Contractors Federation. He is interested in building regulatory reforms, especially regarding surety of compliance of materials and workmanship.

Dr Troy Coyle

Dr Troy Coyle Troy is the CEO of HERA which is an independent research association focused on heavy engineering. She is also the Chair of the Sustainable Steel Council and the Chair of the Establishment Board for the Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics WDC. She was previously the Head of Innovation and Product Development at New Zealand Steel. She has a keen interest in sustainability, future trends, research and innovation.

Steve Evans

Steve Evans Steve has lead Fletcher Building's Residential and Development Division since 2014. Prior to this, he had spent over 20 years in director roles in the building and property development industry. A highlight was his role as one of the founding directors of an urban regeneration business providing mixed-tenure housing solutions in inner and greater London.

Sally Grey

Sally Grey Sally is a manager in the Building Consents Team at Auckland Council. More recently she has been involved in addressing building issues at a remediation level. She has participated in several working groups for legislative reform. Sally is a member of the Society of Local Government Managers (SOLGM) and will bring a wider local government perspective to the Building Advisory Panel.

Adrienne Miller

Adrienne Miller Adrienne has worked as an executive and adviser for over 20 years in the waste, building products, construction and infrastructure industries. She is currently the General Manager of Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (NZ), which is a not-for-profit organization operating across Australia and New Zealand. Adrienne is also a director of a consulting firm called Cupola which she founded. Her interests are governance, sustainability, prefabrication and social housing models.

Dr Jeroen van der Heijden

Dr Jeroen van der Heijden Professor Jeroen van der Heijden is a trained architect and holds a PhD in public administration. He works at the intersection of regulation and governance, with a specific interest in regulatory stewardship and urban climate governance. He is the Chair in Regulatory Practice at Victoria University, where he is involved in world-leading research on regulatory practice. He also contributes to the training of those involved in regulatory issues.

Janine Stewart

Janine Stewart Janine is the division leader and a partner in the construction division of law firm MinterEllisonRuddWatts. She specialises in construction, projects and property. Janine is also lead lecturer of the construction law elective paper at Auckland University and lectures on building and construction law in other tertiary institutions.


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