Have your say on ‘granny flats’
Posted: 17 June 2024

The Government is focused on increasing the supply of affordable homes for New Zealanders. As part of this, the Government is proposing to make it easier to build small, self-contained and detached houses, commonly known as ‘granny flats’ on property with an existing home on it.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Ministry for the Environment are seeking feedback on options to enable granny flats up to 60 square metres in size, to be built without needing a building or resource consent, so long as they meet certain criteria.
We would like to understand all perspectives on potential costs, benefits and risks for the criteria that granny flats and small homes will need to meet. We want to hear from as many people as possible, including:
- those thinking about building a granny flat on their property
- those wanting to live in a granny flat
- builders and tradespeople
- mortgage lenders and property insurance providers
- those responsible for building control, district planning and infrastructure development.
The consultation covers both building and resource management system questions. Participants can choose to respond to any section - you do not have to complete them all. You can also suggest other ideas and things to consider.
The consultation is now open, submissions close at 5pm Monday 12 August 2024.
Read and provide a submission on the Making it easier to build granny flats consultation - mbie.govt.nz
Read the Minister’s press release - beehive.govt.nz