Consultation has opened for the review of the building consent system
Posted: 3 August 2022

A review of the building consent system is underway as part of the Building System Reforms. The reforms are making much needed improvements to our building regulatory system, so that building work can be done more efficiently. They aim to modernise the system, so that building work is done right the first time and also provide fairer outcomes if things go wrong.
This first principles review is an end-to-end review of the building consent system – from the building design phase through to the issuing of a code compliance certificate, and this is the first time such a review has been undertaken in 30 years.
The building consent system has evolved from the one first established in 1991, when new homes were predominantly detached, single-storey, timber-framed buildings. Since then, the way in which we design, procure and build has changed substantially and other trends such as an increasing volume and complexity of building work and substantial growth in consents for multi-unit dwellings also signal that the time is right for the review.
The review aims to build a shared understanding of issues with the current consenting system as a basis for developing the system of the future. The first step is a consultation on an issues discussion document which has identified four desirable outcomes that an efficient and effective building consent system should have. It has also identified a number of issues that currently stop the system from achieving them.
The consultation process will allow everyone an opportunity to tell us what they want from the building consent system and the issues they currently face in navigating it. We hope to hear from consumers, building owners, building consent authorities, building professionals, building product manufacturers, and building product users. The feedback will be used to develop options for the system reform, which will be the next phase of the review.
To support the building consent system review, MBIE has also released the Risk, Liability and Insurance in the Building Sector policy position statement. This provides background and context that clarifies the Government’s position on risk, liability and insurance matters for the building and construction sector. MBIE is not consulting on the policy position statement.
If you work within the building consent system or have used it to get approval for building work in the past, we would like to hear from you. Your views on the building consent system will help to set the direction for future changes.
Find out more information about the system review and make a submission
Submissions for the consultation closes at 5 pm on Sunday 4 September 2022. MBIE will then analyse the submissions and undertake further work to confirm the key issues and develop options for a new or revised building consent system for public consultation in 2023.