Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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2025/011: An authority’s decision to grant a building consent under section 72 in relation to slippage on neighbouring land

This determination considers an authority's decision to grant a building consent under section 72 for a new building on land adjacent to a neighbouring property that is subject to the natural hazard of slippage.

The matter turns on whether the neighbouring land is intimately connected with the land on which the building work is being carried out. 

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2025/010: Refusal to issue a code compliance certificate

This determination considers an authority’s decision to refuse to issue a code compliance certificate for the construction of a two‐storey detached dwelling.

The determination considers the reasons for the refusal and whether they meet the requirements of section 95A of the Building Act 2004.

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2025/009: Granting of a building consent amendment with a section 75(2) condition

This determination considers an authority’s decision to grant an application for a building consent amendment subject to a condition imposed under section 75(2).

The matter concerns building work which crosses the boundary between two allotments held by the same owners under one fee simple record of title.

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2025/008: An authority’s decisions to issue two notices to fix for a change of use and construction of tents without building consent

This determination considers an authority’s decisions to issue two notices to fix.

The determination considers whether the owner’s house had undergone a change of use in contravention of sections 114 and 115 of the Building Act 2004.

It also considers whether two tents installed on the property were exempt from the requirement to obtain a building consent under Schedule 1 of the Building Act.

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2025/007: Regarding compliance of a masonry block retaining wall with Building Code Clause B1 Structure and the protection of other property

This determination considers whether a new retaining wall close to some existing retaining walls and the boundary between two properties complies with the provisions of Building Code Clause B1 Structure and the protection of other property.

The matter turns on whether the new retaining wall relies on the existing retaining walls located on other property for compliance, and whether the new retaining wall imposes a surcharge on the existing retaining walls and, if a surcharge is imposed, whether this affects the ongoing compliance of the existing retaining walls.

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2025/006: The decision to issue a notice to fix for a change of use of a building

This determination considers an authority’s decision to issue a notice to fix under section 164 of the Building Act 2004.

The determination turns on whether there has been a ‘change of use’ of a building for the purposes of the Act.  

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2025/005: An authority’s refusal to grant a building consent in relation to the conversion of one level of an existing multistorey building

This determination considers an authority’s refusal to issue a building consent for conversion of one level of a multi‐storey building from commercial to residential use.

It considers the reasons for the refusal under section 50 of the Building Act 2004, and provides comments on section 115 decision‐making.

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2025/004: Compliance of a step on an access route to a toilet facility

This determination considers the compliance with Building Code Clause D1 Access Routes of an external step to a toilet facility constructed as part of a new warehouse building. 

The determination considers whether the step is on an access route and whether it complies with clause D1.3.3(i).

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2025/003: Refusal to grant a building consent for the construction of a lift in an existing commercial building

This determination concerns an authority’s decision to refuse to grant an application for a building consent to install a new lift into an existing two‐storey commercial building.

The determination considers the authority’s reasons for the refusal and whether the new lift complies with the Building Code clause D2 if required by clause D1.3.4. The determination will also consider whether to grant a waiver or modification in respect of those clauses.

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2025/002: An authority’s proposed refusal to grant a building consent for two multi-unit buildings in relation to the application of C/AS1 Part 5

This determination considers an authority’s proposed refusal to grant a building consent for two multi-unit buildings.

The determination considers the application of Acceptable Solution C/AS1 paragraph 5.1.1 for the proposed external wall design in relation to control of external fire spread.

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