Consultation is open on proposed changes to occupational regulation regimes
Posted: 22 February 2023
The reform of occupational regulation is part of a series of changes to the wider building control system, called Building System Reforms.
Occupational regulation aims to protect the public from harm by ensuring services are performed with reasonable care and skill. We want to ensure occupational regulation is fit for purpose and is moving towards a consistent approach across the sector where appropriate.
Statutory reviews and previous consultations have identified some areas for improvement in the current occupational regulation regimes.
The four occupational regulation regimes being consulted on are:
- Licensed Building Practitioners including proposals for change regarding supervision and licensing, as well as seeking feedback on issues with competencies.
- Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers, and Electrical Workers including consulting on the scope of codes of ethics to help lift the quality of the work and promote public confidence.
- Registered architects including seeking feedback on a range of issues to determine if the regime is still fit for purpose.
Your feedback will help us ensure that the occupational regimes are workable, effective and efficient, and proportionate to the risks to public safety.
Have your say
Find out more about the proposed changes and make a submission -
Submissions for the consultation close at 5pm on Thursday 6 April 2023.