New learning modules to help better understand H1 requirements
Posted: 18 October 2022

In November 2021 MBIE announced the biggest energy efficiency changes to the Building Code in over a decade which aim to reduce energy needed for heating residential homes by approximately 40%.
These changes were formalised in the updated versions of Acceptable Solutions H1/AS1 and AS2 and Verification Methods H1/VM1, VM2 and VM3 which were published on the Building Performance website on 4 August 2022.
To help people understand the updated requirements, the Building Performance team have created two new learning modules covering insulation, energy efficiency and climate zones.
- Module 1 is aimed at homeowners and the general public. It helps you understand why insulation is important in buildings to increase energy efficiency and the benefits of installing better insulation. It explains how to identify the climate zones that different parts of the country fall into and the background to the new requirements for houses that will apply from May next year.
- Module 2 teaches you about the different compliance pathways for the Building Code’s energy efficiency requirements, including how to choose the appropriate Acceptable Solution or Verification Method for your building. It covers how to choose the compliance pathway for housing and other building uses.
- Module 3 teaches you about the different compliance pathways (the Schedule method, Calculation method and Modeling method) and when these can be used.
H1 energy efficiency and insulation training modules -
They will also provide a series of questions based on an example building that will walk the user through the H1 compliance documents for housing and small buildings, and large buildings, before explaining how to use the different methods to comply with H1 Energy Efficiency.
A wide range of learning modules for the building sector
The Building Performance Learning Centre has a wide range of free learning modules designed to help people from all over the sector improve their knowledge across different building-related topics.
The range of learning modules includes:
- A primer to New Zealand’s building regulatory system, looking at the Building Act, building performance requirements and consenting.
- The "identify, assess, decide, apply" process for earthquake-prone buildings, as well as a module specifically for owners of earthquake prone buildings.
- Geotechnical engineering, including modules on liquefaction, rockfall and earthquake resistant foundation design.
- Managing Building in an Emergency, including modules on legal responsibilities, readiness, risk reduction and area designations.
- Understand how to apply Building Code Acceptable Solution C/AS2.
- Guidance for dam owners to understand the 2022 dam safety regulations
- The Licenced Building Practitioner code of ethics.
Find more building system learning modules at