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Off-site construction

Getting started > Smarter Homes guides > Construction and materials > Off-site construction >
Parts of your home can be pre-made off-site, helping you to build faster.

Maximum penalties and time frames

Getting started > Building System Reforms > Maximum penalties and time frames >
Maximum penalties and other changes came into effect on 8 June 2021.

Glossary of terms and abbreviations

BCA accreditation > Glossary of terms and abbreviations >
A glossary of the key terms and abbreviations that are relevant to the building consent authority accreditation scheme.

Homeowner rights and obligations

Getting started > Your rights and obligations > Homeowner rights and obligations >
Essential information about your rights and obligations as you build or renovate.

BuiltReady modular component manufacturing scheme launched

News and updates > BuiltReady modular component manufacturing scheme launched >
The regulations for the new BuiltReady scheme and a revised CodeMark scheme are now in effect.

Consultation on proposed changes to CodeMark rules

News and updates > Consultation on proposed changes to CodeMark rules >
MBIE is consulting on the proposed changes to the CodeMark rules to ensure they're clear, workable, and able to be implemented effectively.

Proposed modular component manufacturing rules

News and updates > Proposed modular component manufacturing rules >
MBIE is consulting on the introduction of the Modular Component Manufacturers (MCM) Scheme to ensure the scheme is clear, fit for purpose and able to be implemented effectively.

Have your say on the options for a better consenting system

News and updates > Have your say on the options for a better consenting system >
MBIE is seeking feedback on potential options to improve the current building consent system as part of the second stage in a system-wide review.

2.4. Single-storey detached buildings not exceeding 30 sqm in floor area (2. Detached, standalone buildings)

Projects & consents > Planning a successful build > Scope and design > Check if you need consents > Building work that doesn't need a building consent > Exempt building work guidance > 2. Detached, standalone buildings > 2.4. Single-storey detached buildings not exceeding 30 sqm in floor area >
This exemption allows for single-storey detached buildings up to 30sqm with the help of an LBP.

2.7. Single-storey pole sheds and hay barns in rural zones – Licensed Building Practitioner (2. Detached, standalone buildings)

Projects & consents > Planning a successful build > Scope and design > Check if you need consents > Building work that doesn't need a building consent > Exempt building work guidance > 2. Detached, standalone buildings > 2.7. Single-storey pole sheds and hay barns in rural zones – Licensed Building Practitioner >
This exemption allows for polesheds or hay barns to be built up to 110sqm in rural zones with the help of an LBP.

This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: