Last updated: 11 July 2024

MBIE has created a variety of resources and tools to support manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers to understand what their obligations are, and how to comply.
Guidance document
The guidance includes:
- how to comply with the regulations
- roles and responsibilities of manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, and distributors
- information on the compliance pathways
- definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts.
Quick summary
A quick guide on complying with the BPIR requlations [PDF 1.6MB]
Additional languages
- Whakamāramatanga o Ngā Whakaritenga Mōhiohio Hua Hangatanga (Māori) [PDF 1.5MB]
- भवन निर्माण उत्पाद सूचना आवश्यकताओं का सारांश (Hindi) [PDF 1.5MB]
- A quick guide on complying with the BPIR regulations (Thai) [PDF 1.5MB]
- 건축 제품 정보 요건 요약서 (Korean) [PDF 1.5MB]
- 建筑材料信息要求概述 (Simplified Chinese) [PDF 1.5MB]
- 建築產品資訊要求摘要 (Traditional Chinese) [PDF 1.5MB]
- 建築資材情報の要件 (概要) (Japanese) [PDF 1.5MB]
Consider using this checklist where you already have technical product information, such as a product technical statement, technical data sheet, or appraisal.
The checklist can be used to carry out a gap analysis and guide you about what additional information you will need to add to meet requirements.
Building product information requirements checklist [PDF 470KB]
Example templates
MBIE has developed examples for each class of designated building product to help manufacturers and importers understand how to provide the required product information as per the regulations.
Example of class 1 – batch or mass-produced products [PDF 736KB]
Example of class 2 - custom-made lines of products [PDF 716KB]
Blank templates
MBIE has developed blank templates that can be used to input the required information into for Class 1 and Class 2 building products.
These are SUGGESTED templates and are NOT MANDATORY to use. You may choose to publish your product information directly on your website or develop your own template, so long as the information required by the regulations is provided. It is recommended that, where appropriate, you reuse existing information and data that you may already have about your building product.
Building Product Information Requirements - Class 1 [PDF 134KB]
Building Product Information Requirements - Class 2 [PDF 108KB]
Step-by-step guide
An example of the end-to-end process and the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder group as required by the regulations.
Download a print version of the step-by-step guide [PDF 799 KB]
See an accessible version of the step-by-step guide - Building product information requirements
Webinar recording
The Building Performance Team at MBIE held a webinar on the 5th September 2023 to provide an overview of the new regulations and answer questions submitted by industry.
Industry tools
The sector has developed a variety of resources and tools to support Aotearoa New Zealand-based manufacturers and importers of building products meet their responsibilities in accordance with the building product information regulations.
BPIR Ready is a free resource to help product manufacturers and importers draft a disclosure document to meet the building product information requirements.
BPIR Ready suggests building code clauses and provides customised suggestions for written sections of disclosure information, catering to all types of building products.
The website also contains other helpful resources such as frequently asked questions and recorded webinars.
BPIR Ready -
BPIR partner service offers expert guidance to assist with more complex building systems and product categories. Masterspec can review any construction system or product ranges to help you comply with the building product information requirements. For more detailed information, see our guidance, Masterspec BPIR Product Review Compliance -
Masterspec also offers a free service to create and publish your BPIR's, through the miproducts national product database. You can create a BPIR by simply updating your current miproducts listing(s). Or even create a brand new listing, which is then published on our publicly open website.
miproducts national product database -
At Intertek SAI Global we understand the challenges businesses face in navigating the complex landscape of Building Product Information Requirements (BPIR) compliance. Our comprehensive BPIR services are designed to ensure smooth and efficient compliance for your organisation. Intertek SAI Global provides a comprehensive Building Product Information Verification to assist clients in meeting their obligations, and results in a certificate that can be accessed publicly via our product database.
Information and resources to help simplify the BPIR process:
- The BPIR Guide to Applicants -
- BPIR Verification Scheme (NZ) -
Please note: The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to or referenced from this site (MBIE neither endorses the information, content, presentation or accuracy of such other websites, nor make any warranty, express or implied, regarding these other sites).
If you have information or a tool which specifically supports the industry understand and comply with the building product regulations and want to share, email
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Pending resources
Videos - to help stakeholders understand their responsibilities.
Translated information sheets