This is a guidance tool for BCAs to help them meet the requirements of the Building (Accreditation of Building Consent Authorities) Regulations 2006. It contains explanations and useful self checklists for each regulation.
Purpose of BCA accreditation
This section sets out the purpose and objectives of the building consent authority accreditation scheme. It includes background on the Government’s decision to introduce the scheme, its initial implementation and the 2015/16 review.

Purpose and objectives of the BCA accreditation scheme
The purpose and objectives of the building consent authority accreditation scheme.

Background to the BCA accreditation scheme
An overview of the background to the building consent authority accreditation scheme, its initial implementation and the 2015/16 review.
The accreditation and registration process
This section details how the building consent authority accreditation scheme works, including how to apply to become accredited and registered. It also details how non-compliance with accreditation requirements is defined and dealt with, and how disagreements about the accreditation requirements or process can be addressed.

Applying to become an accredited organisation
How to apply to become an accredited organisation.

Key steps in the accreditation process
There are up to seven key steps in the process to become an accredited organisation.

Registering to become a BCA
How to apply to become a registered building consent authority.

Entering into arrangements or transferring consenting functions
How to enter into arrangements for the performance of, or to transfer, building control functions.

Maintaining accreditation
How accredited organisations and building consent authorities maintain compliance with the accreditation requirements.

Recording and reporting of non-compliance
How non-compliance with accreditation requirements is defined, recorded and reported.

Maintaining registration
How building consent authorities maintain compliance with the registration requirements.

Remedial actions, suspensions and revocations
What actions may be taken where an organisation or building consent authority fails to comply with the accreditation requirements.

Disagreements about accreditation requirements and processes
How to deal with disagreements about the accreditation requirements or accreditation processes.
Accreditation requirements and regulatory guidance
This section summarises the legislative and regulatory requirements of the building consent authority accreditation scheme. It also includes detailed regulatory guidance and checklists to support the accreditation body, accredited organisations and building consent authorities.

Legislative requirements of the BCA accreditation scheme
This section of the website summarises the sections of the Building Act 2004 (the Act) that give effect to the building consent authority accreditation scheme.

Regulatory requirements of the BCA accreditation scheme
This section of the website provides an overview of the Building (Accreditation of Building Consent Authorities) Regulations 2006 and the Building (Registration of Building Consent Authorities) Regulations 2007 that give operational effect to the building consent authority accreditation scheme. Each clause in the regulations is summarised.
Detailed regulatory guidance on the BCA accreditation scheme
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has developed detailed regulatory guidance for the building consent authority (BCA) accreditation scheme. You can access the guidance, and minimum standards and criteria for each regulation, to better understand the accreditation requirements of the scheme.

How to request further advice or regulatory guidance
This section details how the applicants, accredited organisations, building consent authorities and the accreditation body can contact the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for further advice or regulatory guidance on the minimum standards and criteria for accreditation.
Key roles and responsibilities, and terms
This section sets out the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in the building consent authority accreditation scheme. It includes a glossary of term and abbreviations.

Key roles and responsibilities
An overview of the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the building consent authority accreditation scheme.

Glossary of terms and abbreviations
A glossary of the key terms and abbreviations that are relevant to the building consent authority accreditation scheme.
Biennial BCA Accreditation Reports
Biennial accreditation reports summarise the results from the Building Consent Authority assessments undertaken by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ)
BCA Accreditation Scheme evaluation
An evaluation was undertaken in 2020 to determine if the Scheme is achieving its intended purpose, and to determine if there are any areas of the Scheme which could be approved.