Under Building product information requirements, specific details must be provided to consumers for designated building products.
Regulations have been made to provide building product users with information about how building products contribute to compliance with the Building Code. They place obligations on Aotearoa New Zealand-based manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, and distributors.
About the building product information requirements
Background to the regulations, why they are being made and benefits the industry can expect.
What it means for you
Roles, responsibilities and benefits for each person in the building sector under the regulations.

Manufacturers and Importers
Manufacturers and importers have new responsibilities under the building product information requirements.

Wholesalers, retailers, and distributors
Wholesalers, retailers and distributors have new responsibilities under the building product information requirements.

Building consent authorities
What building product information requirements mean for building consent authorities and how they will benefit.

Tradespeople, designers and consumers
What building product information requirements mean for tradespeople, designers and consumers and how they will benefit.
Information requirements
How to class a building product and provide the correct building product information.
MBIE has made resources to make complying as easy as possible.
Compliance & enforcement
MBIE will ensure compliance is met and take enforcement measures where needed.