Feedback from the sector
Last updated: 24 December 2024
Between 31 May 2024 and 27 June 2024 MBIE carried out a targeted consultation with the building and construction sector to socialise proposals to remove barriers to overseas building products being used in Aotearoa New Zealand and to seek feedback on the design of these proposals.
During this consultation MBIE received 196 submissions from across the sector. This included submissions from: engineers, architects, designers, residential building owners, councils, builders and building product manufacturers and suppliers.
As a part of the targeted consultation, submitters were asked what factors they support being considered when recognising standard (organisations) and standard certification schemes. Submitters largely supported the proposed factors for consideration. All of the proposed factors received a weighted average of at least 80% support. This included criteria relating to:
- robustness of the organisation
- relevance to the Aotearoa New Zealand context
- availability and usability of the standards
- frequency of review and updates of the standards.
Submitters were also asked what categories of product standards are the riskiest and the highest priority for citing in the building product specifications. Standards relating to internal linings (such as plasterboard) and fire rated products balanced scoring high for priority and low for risk. These will be prioritised for citation in the Building Product Specifications.
Submitters were also asked what factors they supported being considered when recognising building products certified by an overseas product certification scheme. All of the factors received a weighted average of at least 92% support. This includes criteria relating to:
- robustness of the product certification scheme
- integrity and professional conduct of the personnel involved
- whether the accreditation body is part of a recognised code of practice
- impartiality and independence of the certifiers – management of conflicts of interest
- relevance to the Aotearoa New Zealand context
- similarity to the Aotearoa New Zealand building regulatory system including CodeMark
- availability and usability of product certificates
- whether certified products have been subject to enforcement actions in Aotearoa New Zealand or overseas.
MBIE will use the insights gained through this targeted consultation in the design and implementation of the overseas products initiatives.
Summary of submissions: Removing barriers to overseas building [PDF 647KB]