Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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194 Determinations match your query
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2024/036: The proposed refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for a house

This determination concerns the authority’s proposed refusal of a code compliance certificate. The determination considers whether the building work complies with the building consent, and whether particular elements of the building work comply with the relevant clauses of the Building Code.

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2024/026: The authority’s decision to issue a notice to fix in relation to a retaining wall

This determination considers the authority's decision to issue a notice to fix for the construction of a retaining wall. The determination considers whether there were grounds to issue the notice to fix (including whether the building work was exempt from the requirement to obtain a consent), and the form and content of the notice to fix.

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2024/023: Regarding the refusal to grant a building consent for alterations to an existing dwelling

This determination considers the authority’s refusal to grant a building consent for alterations to an existing dwelling. The authority considered that the building consent could not be granted for a range of reasons, including a lack of documentation, construction details, and conflicting information in the plans. This determination considers the reasons for refusal set out by the authority in its letter.

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2024/016: The issue of a notice to fix for building work associated with a two storey sleepout building with sanitary fixtures

This determination considers the issue of a notice to fix for building work associated with a two storey sleepout building with sanitary fixtures. The determination considers whether the building work was exempt from the requirement to obtain a building consent under Schedule 1, and whether adequate particulars were set out in the notice to fix (in regards to both section 40 and section 17). It also discusses several issues relating to the notice to fix framework.

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2024/008: Regarding whether a timber barrier to a retaining wall complies with Building Code clauses F4.3.1 and F4.3.4

This determination considers whether a timber barrier to a retaining wall complies with Building Code clauses F4.3.1 and F4.3.4(b), (e) and (g). The determination also assesses whether the Limit on Application of F4.3.1 applies to the as‐built structure.

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2024/005: The authority’s decision to issue a code compliance certificate for a swimming pool

The determination considers the decision to issue a code compliance certificate for a swimming pool that required a barrier to restrict access by unsupervised young children. This determination considers the compliance of a pool barrier in relation to clause F4 of the Building Code that was in force at the time the building consent was granted.

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2023/028: Regarding the compliance of a pool barrier with section 162C of the Building Act 2004

This determination considers whether a metal pool barrier, with surrounding vegetation and gaps which are larger than 100mm, complies with section 162C of the Building Act. The determination discusses the various pathways to compliance, including the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987, clause F4 of the Building Code applicable at the time pool was constructed, clause F9 of the current Building Code and Acceptable Solution F9/AS1.

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2023/022: Regarding the compliance of an existing pool barrier with section 162C and consideration of a waiver or modification.

This determination discusses whether a pool barrier with surrounding vegetation complies with section 162C of the Building Act. It discusses the various pathways for compliance including the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 and clauses F4 and F9 of the Building Code. The determination also considers whether a waiver or modification is appropriate in the circumstances.

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2023/001: Regarding the compliance of specific elements of a swimming pool barrier

This determination considers elements of a pool barrier and their compliance with section 162C of the Building Act 2004. Those elements were constructed, installed, or erected prior to s162C coming into force, as part of a wider set of alterations at the property.

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2022/015: Regarding the compliance of a 1200mm high masonry swimming pool wall with Building Code Clause F4 Safety from falling

This determination considers the compliance of a 1200mm high masonry swimming pool wall with Building Code Clause F4 Safety from falling. This determination also considers whether to grant a modification of Clause F4.3.1, to permit a 1200mm change of level without a safety from falling barrier, in the circumstances of this case.

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