14.5 Plinths

This exemption recognises that plinths usually involve specific engineering design because of the need to support heavy loads (eg tanks, mechanical items like printing presses and metal working machines, or large statues).
Please note: The below exemption comes into force from 31 August 2020. You will still need a building consent if your project starts before this date.
This exemption recognises that plinths usually involve specific engineering design because of the need to support heavy loads (eg tanks, mechanical items like printing presses and metal working machines, or large statues). It acknowledges the fact that requiring a building consent when the plinth has already been designed by a chartered professional engineer would add compliance costs (which are usually disproportionate to the construction costs) for little benefit.
For removal of plinths, please refer to exemption 50 (under section 1.5).
What is exempt
- Constructing a plinth (designed by a Chartered Professional Engineer) for a tank.
- A company plans to build a concrete base to support heavy machinery in a plant room. The base design has been reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer.
What needs consent
- Constructing a reinforced concrete base (not designed or reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer) for several stainless steel holding vats in a winery. A building consent is required because the design was neither designed nor reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer.
What the law says
40. Plinths
1. Building work in connection with any plinth or similar foundation if the plinth or foundation supports plant, a tank, equipment, machinery, or any similar item.