There are many building projects that don't require a building consent, which makes it easier and faster for New Zealanders to get on with certain building projects. Find out all the information you need to know before you start building work that is exempt from the building consent process, including who you should engage to do the work, what rules to follow and where to go to for advice.
Before you begin

Everything you need to know
Some projects do not need a building consent under the Building Act 2004. Find out everything you need to know.

Exempt building work guidance
Find out the technical requirements for exempt building work categorised by project type.

New building consent exemptions
New types of building work will no longer require a building consent, saving homeowners up to $18 million a year and reducing the number of consents by about 9,000 (if lodged separately).
Exempt work that requires authorised professionals

Building consent exemptions for work carried out or supervised by an LBP
Certain building projects can be done without a building consent if you engage a licensed building practitioner.

Building consent exemptions for work designed and reviewed by an engineer
Certain building projects can be done without a building consent if you engage a chartered professional engineer.

Plumbing and drainage work that doesn't need a building consent
Certain plumbing or drainlaying work can be done without a building consent if you engage an authorised person.