14.4 Temporary storage stacks

A building consent is not required to create a temporary storage stack of goods or materials.
This exemption allows you to construct any temporary storage stack of goods or materials. Temporary means lasting for only a limited period. For example, you may be stacking materials during the construction period of a building project, or storing and stacking goods while relocating.
What is exempt
- A construction firm is moving location to partially completed new premises. It proposes to erect a temporary timber storage stack on its new site. When complete, the new premises will contain a new timber storage area and the temporary storage stack will be removed.
- While a new building is being constructed, the builders stack metal roofing materials on a timber base to keep the material off the ground until it is ready to use.
What needs consent
- Owners of a joinery factory want to construct a 4 metre high racking system to store materials for use in manufacturing aluminium windows. They intend to use this racking system indefinitely. This work would not be considered temporary, so it will require a building consent.
- A supermarket owner wishes to extend the racking systems used to store food. This work requires a building consent as the racking system is permanent.
What the law says
27. Temporary storage stacks
1. Building work in connection with a temporary storage stack of goods or materials.