Required product details
Last updated: 11 December 2023

Under building product information requirements, specific details must be provided to consumers for designated building products.
The new regulations have been made to provide building product users with information about how building products contribute to compliance with the Building Code. They place obligations on Aotearoa New Zealand-based manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, retailers, and distributors.
New regulations were made by the Government on 7 June 2022, giving the sector an 18-month transition period to prepare to comply with these changes.
Read more about the regulations -
The Building Amendment Act 2021 introduced new minimum information requirements for building products, to support better informed decision-making by building consent authorities, building owners, builders and designers. The new regulations identify a number of building products for which building product information must be provided and establishes the minimum requirements for that information.
The regulations were informed by feedback received from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's (MBIE) public consultation on building product information requirements in 2021. Information about the consultation, including the discussion document outlining proposals for regulations and a summary of the submissions, are available on MBIE's website.
Read the discussion document and see a summary of the submissions received -
Regulation milestones
- June 2021 – the Building Amendment Act 2021 introduced new minimum information requirements for building products.
- April 2021 – building product information requirements discussion document was released and feedback was sought.
- Nov 2021 – summary of submission was released.
- March 2022 – building product information requirements exposure draft was released in confidence to key stakeholders.
- June 2022 – building product information requirements regulations were made by the Government (built in 18-month transition period).
- Dec 2023 – building product information requirements regulations will commence/are enforceable.
Why the regulations were made
Building products are central to safe and durable buildings, yet until now, information about products has not been required. This has meant that variable information has been provided about how products contribute to Building Code compliance, and how they should be used and installed.
Building consent authorities frequently request additional information about specified products to ensure compliance with Building Code requirements. This creates costly delays for building owners.
An increasing range and complexity of building products and methods has increased the risk of not meeting Building Code requirements. This may be caused by using products that are not fit for purpose, or not used correctly.
The new building product information requirements apply to products that may contribute to Building Code compliance. Information on these products will help designers, builders and consumers choose the right products, install them in the correct way and make informed decisions about using alternative products where there are product shortages. Building consent authorities will have the right information readily available to check that plans and specifications meet the Building Code, which will support more efficient consenting.
In addition, the requirements will ensure people, including homeowners, are given the information they need to make good decisions about products, and use them as intended.
The changes in the Building Amendment Act 2021, and these regulations, are just one part of a broader suite of building system reforms, which aim to lift the efficiency and quality of building work, and provide fairer outcomes if things go wrong.
What the regulations mean
Aotearoa New Zealand-based manufacturers and importers must provide a minimum level of information about the designated building products they supply to the Aotearoa New Zealand market. The information must be publicly available for free and online. Requirements for what information needs to be provided online and how websites should be made available are outlined on the information requirements page.
Manufacturers and importers must be able to provide evidence for any claims they make about their products. It is recommended the information be easy to understand, as it will be used by a wide range of people.
Aotearoa New Zealand-based wholesalers, distributors, and retailers will need to check that the designated building products they supply include the relevant building product information, and that the information is available to their customers.
Read more about designated building products and the publishing requirements.
- Provide a minimum level of easy-to-understand information about building products to be made publicly available online.
- The new building product information requirements are intended to improve the quality and consistency of the information provided with products including how they contribute to compliance with the building code, how they should be used and installed.
- This will help designers, builders and consumers choose the right products for their needs, install them correctly and make informed decisions about using alternative products if required.
- It will also enable more efficient consenting. Building consent authorities will have the right information readily available to check that plans will meet the Building Code.
- Better product information is expected to result in fewer building defects, less building rework, more efficient consenting, and safer and more durable buildings.
- Improving the quality of building product information contributes to the Government's response to the Commerce Commission's recent market study into residential building supplies. See Government taking action to improve building supply competition -
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