Developing an alternative solution for fire safety design
There are five key steps to consider when you are developing an alternative solution for fire safety design.
1. Scope the project
Scope the project outlining the building and its features (height, occupancy, use, etc). Outline the issue(s) requiring resolution using an alternative solution.
2. Identify the Building Code clauses
Holistically identify which fire performance clauses are affected by the alternative solution and which the designer needs to demonstrate compliance with.
3. Establish the compliance pathway
Determine what type of alternative solution is required and the corresponding compliance path – whether it is a departure from the Acceptable Solutions or Verification Method, or specific fire engineering design.
4. Follow the Fire Engineering Brief (FEB) process
Prepare the FEB and follow the review process to seek key stakeholder feedback and agree the proposed assessment methodology, inputs, acceptance criteria and Building Consent review process (building consent authoritiy or independent peer review).
5. Present evidence
Undertake design and collate evidence into the fire safety documentation for the BCA to show how the relevant performance criteria are met.