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Showing your products comply with the Building Code

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Products and Building Code compliance >
Your product needs to comply with the Building Code. There are product assurance options for doing so.

Creating and providing a product technical statement

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Information and evidence > Product technical statement >
A product technical statement is helpful for your product’s users. Find out what it is and needs to contain.

Establishing and providing information and evidence about your product

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Information and evidence >
You need to provide evidence and information to back up the claims you make about your product.

Further help and resources for your products and systems

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Further help and resources >
We have provided a list of possible organisations that may help you with product assurance for your product or system.

Quick guide to understanding product technical statements

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Information and evidence > Product technical statement > Quick guide to understanding product technical statements >
Key components of a product technical statement and how it can speed up decision- making in the building process.

Transcript: Building Product Information Requirements webinar

Transcripts > Transcript: Building Product Information Requirements webinar >
Building Product Information webinar. Tuesday, 5 September, 2023

CodeMark certification vs product appraisals

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > CodeMark > CodeMark certification vs product appraisals >
The uses and differences of both CodeMark certificates and product appraisals in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Case studies for your product’s Building Code compliance

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Case studies >
If you are trying to prove your product or system is Building Code compliant, these case studies may help you.

Case study one

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Case studies > Case study one >
Example: a range of back flow valves.

Case study two

Building Code compliance > Product assurance and certification schemes > Product assurance for building products > Case studies > Case study two >
Example: a new cladding type

This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: