Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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1071 Determinations match your query
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2022/029: Regarding the refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for a 17-year-dwelling

This determination arises from the authority's decision to refuse to issue a code compliance certificate for a 17-year-old dwelling. This determination considers whether there is sufficient compliance with clauses E2 and B2 of the New Zealand Building Code.

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2022/019: Regarding the authority’s refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for stucco monolithic plaster cladding

This determination considers whether the authority was correct to refuse to issue a code compliance certificate because it considers the stucco monolithic plaster applied to the external walls of an extension of an existing dwelling does not comply with clauses E2 External moisture and B2 Durability of the Building Code.

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2022/017: Regarding the refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for weathertightness remedial work on a townhouse

Note: This determination was subject to appeal to the District Court and was confirmed.

Appeal judgment [PDF 269KB]

This determination considers whether the authority was correct to refuse to issue a code compliance certificate for remedial recladding work. The determination considers whether the building work complies with clauses B2 Durability and E2 External moisture.

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2022/013: Authority’s refusal to grant a building consent for the construction of a dwelling

This determination considers whether the authority was correct to refuse to grant a building consent. The determination considers whether sufficient information was included in the building consent application.

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2022/005: Compliance of building work with Building Code clauses B1 Structure and E1 Surface Water, that provide protection of other property

This determination considers whether building work to construct an extension to an existing deck, a new retaining wall, and other structures along a boundary between two properties, comply with Building Code Clauses B1 Structure and E1 Surface Water that provide for the protection of other property.

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2022/003: Compliance of proposed alterations to a dwelling by way of Acceptable Solutions B1/AS1 and E2/AS3

This determination considers whether two items of proposed building work comply with the relevant Acceptable Solutions. Item 1 concerns reinforcing bars to reinforce a concrete floor slab and whether the proposal complies with Acceptable Solution B1/AS1 for Building Code Clause B1 Structure. Item 2 concerns the use of a damp-proof membrane as waterproofing for a 1060mm high retaining wall and whether the proposal complies with Acceptable Solution E2/AS3 for Building Code Clause E2 External Moisture.

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2021/025: Regarding compliance of timber shiplap weatherboards, coated with black paint, installed on a dwelling

This determination considers whether pine vertical timber shiplap weatherboards, painted black, comply with the Building Code Clause B2 Durability, as it relates to Clause E2 External Moisture. The determination considers a number of factors that contribute to Building Code compliance.

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2021/020: Regarding the refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for 23-year old alterations to a residential dwelling

This determination considers whether an authority was correct to refuse to issue a code compliance certificate for a building consent granted in 1998 under the former Building Act 1991. The determination will discuss the reasons given by the authority for the refusal, and how they relate to Building Code clauses B1 Structure, B2 Durability, E1 Surface Water, and E2 External Moisture that applied in 1998.

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2021/011: Regarding the compliance of timber bevel back weatherboards, coated with dark grey paint, installed on a house

This determination considers whether timber bevel backed weatherboards, painted in a dark colour, complied with Building Code Clause B2 Durability, as it relates to Clause E2 External moisture. The determination considers the degree of exposure to sunlight, acecss for maintenance and inspection of the cladding, the design, and the specification of the materials used, as well as a number of other factors that contribute to a Building Code compliance assessment of this nature.

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2021/008: Regarding the authority's decision to issue a code compliance certificate for a new dwelling

This determination considers whether an authority was correct to issue a code compliance certificate for a new dwelling. The determination considers whether the building is compliant, and whether the authority would have been aware of any non-compliance when issuing the code compliance certificate.

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This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: