7.1 Decks, platforms, bridges, boardwalks, etc

A building consent is not required for decks, platforms, bridges, boardwalks and similar structures where you can't fall more than 1.5 metres.
A building consent is not required for work on decks, platforms, bridges, boardwalks and like structures where it is not possible to fall more than 1.5 metres.
Note that a safety barrier is still required under Building Code clause F4 – Safety from falling where there is a fall of 1 metre or more.
Always check with your local council to ensure the proposed building work does not have any district planning implications, such as maximum site coverage, yard or setback requirements, daylight access planes and permitted activities. A resource consent may be required and it is important that you obtain this before starting any building work.
What is exempt
- A low-level deck is constructed to create a level entry to a dwelling. The deck has a maximum height of 500 mm above ground level.
- A building owner constructs a 50 square metre deck with a maximum height of 900 mm above ground and attached to two sides of a building. Even if the deck were to collapse, the fall would be less than 1.5 metres.
- The owner of a resort intends to build a boardwalk across some rough ground to give guests access to an ornamental garden and play area. The highest point of the boardwalk is 1.5 metres above the ground. To prevent guests from falling off the boardwalk, a safety barrier is installed on both sides.
What needs consent
- A home owner wants to construct a platform in conjunction with other landscaping work. The landscaping work will result in a reduced ground level at the rear exit of the building. As the proposed platform will have a finished height above ground level of 1.7 metres, it will require a building consent. A safety barrier will also be required under Building Code clause F4 as there is a fall of 1 metre or more.
- The owner of a multi-storey apartment complex intends to provide outdoor decks to the apartments on the upper levels. This work will require a building consent as it is possible for a person to fall more than 1.5 metres. (A safety barrier will also be required under Building Code clause F4 as there is a fall of 1 metre or more.)
What the law says
24. Decks, platforms, bridges, boardwalks, etc
1. Building work in connection with a deck, platform, bridge, boardwalk, or the like from which it is not possible to fall more than 1.5 metres even if it collapses.