12.2 Signs with no restriction on size

Unlike exemption 25, which also relates to signs, this exemption places no restriction on size or height above the supporting ground as long as the design of the sign, including mounting and any foundation details, has been carried out or reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer.
Please note: The below exemption comes into force from 31 August 2020. You will still need a building consent if your project starts before this date.
Unlike exemption 12.1. which also relates to signs, this exemption places no restriction on size or height above the supporting ground as long as the design of the sign, including mounting and any foundation details, has been carried out or reviewed by a chartered professional engineer.
If you are proposing to put signs on heritage or character buildings or in urban areas, it is important to check with the local council first. There may be restrictions in the council's district plan (made under the Resource Management Act 1991) on the type of signs you can construct without first having to obtain a resource consent.
For removal of these signs, refer to the removal of structures section.
What is exempt
- Any sign designed by a chartered professional engineer.
What needs consent
- Installing a 20 square metre sign that has not been designed or reviewed by a chartered professional engineer. The sign is not covered by this exemption as a chartered professional engineer was not involved. It is also too large to be covered by 12.2., so its installation will require a building consent.
What the law says
Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004
39. Signs
1. Building work in connection with any sign (whether freestanding or attached to a structure), and any structural support of the sign.