Plumbing and drainage work that doesn't need a building consent

If you are undertaking plumbing and drainage work, you may not need a building consent if the work is completed by an authorised person.
Certain plumbing and drainlaying jobs can be done without the need for a building consent if the job is done by an authorised person:
- a registered certifying plumber or drainlayer
- a plumber or drainlayer who carries out the work under the supervision of a registered certifying plumber or drainlayer – as long as they are registered, hold a provisional licence, or are under training.
Search the public register for current authorisation from the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board.
What the exempt work includes
The following building work does not require a building consent
- Repair, maintenance, and replacement of sanitary plumbing and drainage
- Drainage access points
- Repair and maintenance of existing water heater
- Replacement of open-vented water storage heater connected to supplementary heat exchanger
- Replacement or repositioning of water heater connected to controlled heat source
- Minor alteration to drains
- Alteration to existing sanitary plumbing (excluding water heaters)