
Here you’ll find resources we have published to date and information on our events and consultations.
As this is a long term programme of work some resources may have been superseded by others or information may have changed – please check dates carefully.
Cabinet papers
Building Amendment Bill proposals for regulations: Release of Discussion Document [PDF 299KB]
Strengthening the Licensed Building Practitioners Scheme: Category One proposals [PDF 1.5MB]
Strengthening the Licensed Building Practitioners Scheme: Category One proposals – Minute of Decision [PDF 319KB]
Occupational regulation of engineers: Release of discussion document [PDF 290KB]
Lifting the efficiency and quality of the building system: Overview [PDF 1.3MB]
Lifting the efficiency and quality of the building system: Proposals for Bill One [PDF 1.4MB]
Fact sheets
Product certification (CodeMark) [PDF 236KB]
Product information [PDF 244KB]
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) [PDF 240KB]
Offences and penalties, building levy and time to lay charges [PDF 241KB]
Consultations and submissions
Building system legislative reform programme summary of submissions, August 2019 [PDF, 1.7MB]
Other documents
Building system legislative reform discussion paper, April 2019 [PDF, 2.5MB]
Guarantees and Insurance Products: market and policy analysis [PDF 1MB]
Risk, responsibility and liability in the building process: An exploration of the
behaviours of homeowners and builders [PDF 1.2MB]
Liability outcomes in the building sector [PDF 560KB]
Understanding the effectiveness of consumer protection measures in the building sector [PDF 3.3MB]
Building consumer protection review - December 2022 [PDF 2.3MB]
No upcoming consultations - check back soon.
No upcoming events - check back soon.