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How to request further advice or regulatory guidance

Last updated: 26 February 2019

Office building exterior wall

This section details how the applicants, accredited organisations, building consent authorities and the accreditation body can contact the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for further advice or regulatory guidance on the minimum standards and criteria for accreditation.

Making a request

An applicant, accredited organisation, building consent authority (BCA) and the accreditation body can make a request for further advice or guidance on accreditation requirements to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

If there is a disagreement about an accreditation requirement, it should first be discussed between the applicant, accredited organisation or BCA, and the accreditation body lead assessor.

Disagreements about accreditation requirements and processes has further information on the approach to resolving disagreements during the assessment process.

Any request for advice or guidance should be addressed to:

Manager, Building System Assurance
Consumer Protection and Standards
Market Services
PO Box 1473, Wellington

It can be emailed to

How the request process works

Diagram: How the request process works

To register for MBIE BCA updates please contact

What to include in a request for advice or guidance

Any request for advice or guidance should include:

  • the contact name, role, email address and telephone number of the requestor
  • detail of the matter requiring clarification
  • any information, advice or guidance held by the requestor that might be helpful to MBIE.

All requests for further advice or guidance will be acknowledged by MBIE within three working days.

How MBIE responds to request for advice or guidance

MBIE will endeavour to respond to:

  • simple requests within 14 working days
  • requests that require legal or technical input within a timeframe advised to the requestor.

Where technical input is required, MBIE may consult with the BCA accreditation scheme’s Professional Advisory Committee (PAC).

How advice and guidance is shared

Once MBIE has responded to the requestor, any relevant advice or guidance on the minimum accreditation requirements will be incorporated into the guidance available on this website and shared with accredited organisations, BCAs and those people who have registered to receive notifications about the regulatory guidance.

This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: