MultiProof application assessment process
Last updated: 5 December 2024

Your MultiProof application will be assessed for its Building Code compliance. If it is approved, it will be listed in the MultiProof public register on our Te Pae Portal.
Before we formally accept your MultiProof application, we will check to make sure it:
- is eligible for assessment
- includes all the required information
- your application payment has been paid.
We will let you know if we accept your application for assessment. From there, we still start checking your design for Building Code compliance.
How the process works
We have up to 40 working days from the date of acceptance to either issue or refuse your MultiProof application.
We may need to contact you for further information on aspects of your application during the assessment process. If you have submitted your application via our Te Pae portal you will receive a notification to provide further information in this system.
If this is the case, we ‘stop the clock’ and do not continue processing your application until we receive the requested additional information. When we receive the information, we will ‘restart the clock’ and continue assessing your application.
When we have finished assessing your application, we will let you know our decision in writing. We will also include an invoice for any outstanding amount for processing your application.
If your MultiProof approval is issued
We will issue your MultiProof certificate if your application is assessed as complying with the Building Code and you have paid all outstanding fees.
The approval covers the designs and any alternatives included in your application. The alternatives will be listed on the back of the approval as ‘permitted variations’. It will also list any specific conditions that apply to your MultiProof.
If you have amended your plans and specification during the assessment process, you will be asked to provide an updated document index and design and options summary. You will also need to provide an amended set of specifications.
The MultiProof register in our Te Pae Portal
Your approved MultiProof will be listed on MBIE’s online register in our Te Pae Portal. The register records the names and contact details of each approval holder, as well as a name and brief description of each approved design.
Public access is also provided to your MultiProof approval, and can be provided to the design and options summary and document index.
Building control officials will need to request an invite from to access the MultiProof Shared Workspace. A new shared workspace tool has been introduced. Users of the previous tool should request an invite for the new tool if required.
MultiProof Register on our Te Pae portal -
A copy of your approved MultiProof will be held separately on a secure website. This will include a copy of:
- the approved plans and specifications
- the MultiProof approval
- the design and options summary
- the document index.
All intellectual property in the plans and specifications available in the MultiProof database remains with the owner of those plans and specifications.
You will need to advise us if another party has been authorised to use your MultiProof.
MultiProofs are valid indefinitely
Your MultiProof will be valid indefinitely unless:
- the Building Code changes to the extent that building work properly completed in accordance with the approval will no longer comply
- the approval no longer meets the prescribed eligibility criteria
- or the approval was obtained by fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of the facts.
We will write to you if the Building Code changes in a way that affects your MultiProof. We may ask you, if necessary, to apply for an amendment to your MultiProof that takes account of the changes.
We encourage MultiProof holders to review their approved plans and specifications from time to time and consider if they require any amendments. For example:
- modify the design
- increase the permitted variations
- clarify any issues raised during the construction or consenting process
- update the specification.
This is to enable us to update the MultiProof register.
If your MultiProof approval is refused
We may refuse your MultiProof application if:
- your design is assessed as being non-compliant with the Building Code
- it includes a banned building method or product
- you have not paid the required application fee
- you have not meet the eligibility criteria for MultiProof
- you have not satisfied section 30B of the Building Act 2004.
If we refuse your application we will charge fees for all costs incurred up until that time.
The applicants of the MultiProof are able to appeal to the District Court if we refuse to issue your application and you disagree with the outcome.
Withdrawing your application
You can withdraw your application at any time. If you have completed an online application in our Te Pae portal, you can withdraw the application from there. You will be charged for any costs incurred in processing the application up to the time of withdrawal.
If these costs are greater than the application pre-payment we hold, we will invoice you for the outstanding amount.