Last updated: 22 February 2024

Here you'll find resources we have published to date such as the scheme rules, and links to relevant legislation.
The Building Act (2004) -
Building (Modular Component Manufacturer Scheme) Regulations 2022 -
BuiltReady Scheme Guidance
The BuiltReady Scheme Guidance is for building consent authorities, scheme participants, manufacturers, designers, builders and consumers.
The guidance helps understand how BuiltReady allows for faster, more consistent building consent approaches for the design (where applicable) and manufacture of modular components.
BuiltReady scheme guidance [PDF 4.5MB]
Certification is the first step in becoming a BuiltReady scheme participant.
Once a manufacturer has been certified by an accredited and registered certification body, they can apply to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to be registered.
This resource outlines the registration process which is an assessment undertaken by MBIE of the non-technical suitability of applicants for registration. The registration process includes two main assessments:
- The fit and proper person assessment.
- The adequate means assessment.
BuiltReady registration for certified manufacturers [PDF 288KB]
Step-by-step guides
There are three step-by-step guides to show how BuiltReady works within the building consent process.
These guides will be helpful for people who:
- are considering applying to become certified under the scheme
- want to understand how the consent process works with certified manufacturers.
Design and manufacture (modular components make up part of a building)
Design and manufacture (whole buildings)
BuiltReady scheme technical rules resource
This technical resource helps scheme participants understand the BuiltReady scheme rules for certification bodies, manufacturers, technical experts and assessors.
This resource seeks to:
- act as a guide to the scheme rules and the relevant provisions in the Building (Modular Component Manufacturer Scheme) Regulations 2022 and the Building Act 2004
- provide information related to key changes in the scheme rules
- provide detailed examples of how to interpret and implement the new scheme rules.