Become a manufacturer under the BuiltReady Scheme
Last updated: 11 March 2024

To apply to become a manufacturer, you need to contact an accredited and registered Modular Component Manufacturer Certification Body (MCMCB).
Considering BuiltReady
Applying to become a manufacturer under the BuiltReady scheme takes time and investment, so you need to decide whether it is the right decision for you as a manufacturer of modular components.
Because of the time and cost involved in achieving certification, it is best suited to manufacturers with well-developed systems and processes who are seeking a more efficient and streamlined experience for their modular components within the Building Consent system. It is also suited to manufacturers seeking to improve their modular component's acceptance in the New Zealand market.
If you are a certified manufacturer this means:
- you can apply for registration with MBIE
- when successfully registered you can issue certificates for modular components you design (if applicable) and manufacture
- certificates you issue are declarations of conformity that provide evidence to building consent authorities that the modular component it relates to complies with the New Zealand Building Code (when used in accordance with any limitations outlined on the certificate)
- once certified and registered, you will benefit from a shorter and more streamlined building consent pathway for certified modular components
- if the modular component that is designed and manufactured by a certified and registered modular component manufacturer is a whole building (excluding site work), then a building consent authority has 10 working days to process that building consent application
- you have a marketing advantage; registered manufacturers can use the BuiltReady brand in their marketing.
A manufacturers certificate provides assurance that a modular component that has been designed (if applicable) and manufactured by a registered and certified manufacturer complies with the Building Code. A building consent authority must accept a manufacturer's certificate as evidence that the requirements of the Building Code are met. Manufacturers are liable for modular components they issue certificates for under the BuiltReady scheme.
Applying for certification
To apply to become certified under the BuiltReady scheme, you need to contact an accredited and registered MCMCB. You will need to provide evidence to the certification body of your quality management systems, management structure and design and manufacturing processes. If successful, the MCMCB will issue you with evidence of your certification including details around the scope and limitations of your certification. Once you have been certified you can then apply to be registered with MBIE. Once certified and registered, you can issue manufacturer's certificates for your modular components.
You also need to provide the MCMCB with the types and intended use of the modular components you wish to be certified to design and/or manufacture.
BuiltReady will be open for applications from certification bodies and then manufacturers in 2023.
Evaluation process
Manufacturers will have to meet quality standards and criteria to be certified. The entire prefabricated construction process from design (where relevant), manufacture, assembly, transportation and installation on-site will be assessed and certified.
MCMCBs may have specific information requirements, timeframes and costs for undertaking the certification process.
You should prepare the following information for your application:
- a description of the modular components and intended use of the components you design (if applicable) and manufacture
- the type, purpose and use of the modular component(s) (eg how it might be used in a building)
- identification of critical components within the modular component(s)
- details of your Quality Management System and Quality Management Plan including design, manufacture, installation processes and the competence, skill levels and training of those undertaking those processes.
Certified manufacturers will be audited annually by the certification body and in some instances more often.
Generally, the quality of information you provide, and your preparedness will influence the timeframes an MCMCB may take to make its certification decision.
For more detailed information on what the certification body will consider when evaluating you as a manufacturer, refer to the BuiltReady Scheme Rules [PDF 871KB]
Certification fees
You will need to pay an application fee to the MCMCB, as well as ongoing audit costs. As a certified and registered manufacturer, you will also be subject to third party inspections, audits and post-certification surveillance (including site visits) to ensure you are producing modular components that meet the requirements of the Building Code.
The costs for the certification process and audits are determined by the MCMCB and agreed on an individual basis.
Applying for registration
Once you have been certified by a registered MCMCB, they will provide you evidence of certification in the form of a certificate with any scope or limitations clearly identified. This certificate should be provided to MBIE when applying to be registered.
You are responsible for applying for registration with MBIE and the registration process must be completed before you can issue any certificates under the BuiltReady scheme.
The fees for registering as a manufacturer under the BuiltReady scheme are outlined in Schedule 3 of the Building (Modular Component Manufacturer Scheme) Regulations 2022 (the Regulations). The current fee outlined in the regulations is a processing fee of $90.15 per hour, up to $5,859.75.
MBIE will not evaluate your modular component systems or processes when undertaking the registration process; this is the responsibility of the MCMCB during the certification process.
However, when applying to MBIE to be registered, manufacturers will need to satisfy a fit and proper person assessment by providing information relating to its key personnel and conflicts of interest and agree to notify MBIE of any changes in circumstance. You will also be required to demonstrate adequate means to cover any potential civil liabilities in relation to the scheme. Further detail for both tests can be found on the application form.
Registration provides MBIE oversight of the scheme participants and ensures that certified modular component manufacturers are able to cover any potential liabilities when they are involved in the scheme.
Once the registration process has been completed and fees paid, MBIE will add the manufacturer to the public register of manufacturers.
For the purpose of maintaining registration, MBIE will conduct audits of registered modular component manufacturers and modular component manufacturer certification bodies at least once every three years, as required under the Building Act 2004, but is more likely to occur on annual basis to align with financial capacity and insurance cover review, to confirm continued compliance with the scheme rules for adequate means.
Only certified and registered manufacturers can issue certificates for modular components that can be used as a deemed to comply pathway through the building consent process.
Certified and registered manufacturers
Certified and registered manufacturers have ongoing responsibilities to ensure the modular components they provide certificates for continue to be manufactured to the same standards and quality as those against which it was evaluated, certified and registered. For further detail on what information should be provided on a certificate, refer to the scheme rules and supporting guidance.
Responsibilities of manufacturers
The BuiltReady Scheme Rules now apply to you: these contain details of what’s required of certified manufacturers.
Image provided by Kāinga Ora.