
  1. Refer to the Schedule 1 of the Building Regulations 1992.
  2. Refer to Building (Exempt Building Work) Order 2010, which came into effect on 23 December 2010. Note that homeowners can still seek a building consent for this work should they choose to.
  3. Clause k of Schedule 1 in the Building Act allows territorial authorities to exempt work from needing a building consent if the work is unlikely to not comply with the Building Code or if it will have low consequences if it fails.
  4. Refer to section 7, 8 and 9 the Building Act 2004 for a definition of “building work”.
  5. Refer to section 17 of the Building Act 2004 for Building Code compliance. Note, councils can choose to modify or waive Building Code requirements under section 67 of the Act, so compliance with the Building Code would not be required in such circumstances.
  6. Refer to section 112(1)(b) of the Building Act 2004.
  7. Section 112 of the Building Act only applies when a building consent is required.
  8. Refer to section 400(1) of the Building Act 2004.
  9. As required by section 112(1)(b) of the Building Act.
  10. The Department of Building and Housing ,Means of establishing compliance: alternative solutions”, October 2008.
  11. 11. VIR (vulcanised indian rubber) and TRS (tough rubber sheathed) cables were used in New Zealand up until the late 1950’s when they were replaced by more durable TPS (toughened plastic sheathed)
  12. Note that existing parts of the building do not need to be upgraded to comply with the Building Code.
  13. Refer Acceptable Solution E2/AS1, Section 11.2 Maximum acceptable moisture contents
  14. McNeil, S. and Bassett M. “Moisture recovery rates for walls in temperate climates”, 11th Canadian Conference on building science and technology, Banff, Alberta, 2007
  15. BRANZ, “Investigation into the performance of brick veneer walls installed with urea-formaldehyde foam insulation – a case study”, Study report 234, 2010
  16. Flame barriers are described in C/AS1 Appendix C9.1. Plasterboard wall lining is an acceptable flame.
  17. In addition to the Building Code clause G9, the Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 must be complied with when thermal insulation is installed near electrical wiring and appliances. Regulation 17(d) of the Electricity Regulations states, “A person commits a grade A offence if the person places thermal insulating material on or around fittings in an installation in such a way that the safety of the installation is compromised.“.
  18. Refer AS/NZS 3000:2007 Electrical Installations, Table C5.
  19. BRE Report BR 262, Thermal insulation: avoiding risks, Appendix A, 2002.
  20. No consideration is given to the compliance of the insulation with H1.3.1, as the ‘thermal envelope’ is not replaced by retrofitting insulation

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