Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods (AS and VMs) were called compliance documents. Some still have the “compliance document” title but the AS or VMs they contain are valid and unaffected by the name change.
Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods For New Zealand Building Code Clause G3 Food preparation and prevention of contamination
All content related to G3 Food preparation and prevention of contamination
1st edition, amendment 2
Current version: Effective on 1 January 2017
The minimum clear area for domestic kitchens and the associated requirements for facilities for persons with disabilities are clarified in G3/AS1 (Figure 1 and paragraphs 1.5.1 and 1.5.2).
Cited content in this document can be found on the Building CodeHub website.
1st edition, amendment 1
Effective on 1 July 2001 until 30 May 2017
Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods (AS and VMs) were called compliance documents. Some still have the “compliance document” title but the AS or VMs they contain are valid and unaffected by the name change.
All of the Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods relating to G3 are contained in one document.
- G3/AS1 gives a means to comply for domestic situations, including the energy source and wall linings. It also gives a means of designing for commercial and industrial facilities. It shows interior linings for food processing areas and other areas, and wash down areas.