Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land

All content related to B1 Structure

About this document

  • Published on 26 September 2017
  • Updated on 27 October 2017
  • Of interest to Territorial Authority, Building consent authorities, Designers, Developers, Engineers,
  • ISBN: 978-1-98-851771-1 (Print) / 978-1-98-851770-4 (Online)


This guidance covers the consistent planning approach that will make it easier for councils to prepare Resource Management Act policies and plans, and to process resource and building consent applications. This guidance will assist all parties associated with the use and development of land in potentially liquefaction-prone areas.


A number of significant liquefaction events have occurred in recent years. Land use planning, together with resilient building and infrastructure design that recognises the risks of liquefaction and guides development, has the potential to reduce the consequences of future events.

Developed jointly by MBIE, the Ministry for the Environment and EQC this guidance relates specifically to liquefaction-prone land.

All guidance documents related to B1 Structure

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