Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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1889 Determinations match your query
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2016/047: Regarding the refusal to issue code compliance certificates for an 18-year-old house with a 14-year-old extension

This determination is concerned with the compliance of the 18-year-old house and 14-year-old extension. The determination considers the authority’s reasons for refusing the code compliance certificate, and whether the house complies with the requirements of the Building Code, particularly with respect to weathertightness and durability.

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2016/046: The refusal to grant an amendment to a building consent for the use of imported composite slate roofing tiles on a house

This determination concerns the substitution of a concrete tiled roof to a house with composite slate tiles where the substitution was the subject of an amendment to the consent. The determination considers the amendment and whether the authority was correct to refuse it. The determination also considers the compliance of the slate tiles as installed.

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2016/45: Regarding whether a safety net will satisfy Clause F4 Safety from falling, to a timber walkway along the shoreline

This determination considers a raised pedestrian walkway located adjacent a harbour, and the compliance of a horizontal safety net proposed by the authority as a means of satisfying Clause F4 Safety from falling.

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2016/044: Regarding the code-compliance of pool barriers to a swimming pool and including a pool room

This determination discusses the Building Code obligations in Clause F4 for a proposed pool barrier that would include a pool room. The determination considers the area enclosed by the proposed barrier in respect of restricting access of children under the age of six to the immediate pool area as required by Clause F4.3.4(f).

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2016/043: Regarding the compliance of weatherboards as installed to a house

This determination arises from a dispute regarding the installation of cedar weatherboards in a manner that is not in accordance with the building consent or with the manufacturer’s instructions. The determination considers whether the weatherboards as installed comply with Clauses E2 and B2 of the Building Code.

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2016/042: Regarding the compliance of a detached building containing two self-contained units

This determination considers whether the building in its proposed use will comply with the Building Code in regards to fire safety, laundering, and food preparation.  The determination discusses the proposed use of the building and whether there will be a change of use under the Regulations.

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2016/041: Proposed refusal to issue a code compliance certificate due to variations in level and surface tolerances

This determination considers the level and tolerances in surface finish to the concrete floor slab and consequential variations in the timber framing to a two-story house.  The determination considers the compliance of the slab in relation to loss of amenity under Clause B1 Structure, and the application of the appropriate standards cited in the building consent.

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2016/040: Regarding the grant of a building consent for a modular house, and the use of modules designed locally but prefabricated offshore

Note: The decisions in this Determination were confirmed on appeal to the District Court. See: Auckland Council v S Liaw (District Court, Auckland, 30 June 2017, CIV-2016-004-001575).

Appeal judgment [PDF 188 KB]

This determination considers whether the authority has exercised its powers correctly in granting a building consent for a house design that had a national multiple-use approval and consisted of modules that were manufactured offshore. The determination considers the extent to which the Building Act and its Regulations apply to the prefabricated modules, and discusses the range of information Building Consent Authorities can seek to satisfy themselves that the construction of the prefabricated components will comply with the plans and specifications. 

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2016/039: Regarding the grant of a building consent for a modular house, and the use of modules designed locally but prefabricated offshore

Note: The decisions in this Determination were confirmed on appeal to the District Court. See: Auckland Council v S Liaw (District Court, Auckland, 30 June 2017, CIV-2016-004-001575).

Appeal judgment [PDF 188 KB]

This determination considers whether the authority has exercised its powers correctly in granting a building consent for a house design that had a national multiple-use approval and consisted of modules that were manufactured offshore. The determination considers the extent to which the Building Act and its Regulations apply to the prefabricated modules, and discusses the range of information Building Consent Authorities can seek to satisfy themselves that the construction of the prefabricated components will comply with the plans and specifications.  

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2016/038: Regarding the code compliance of weatherboards to a partly constructed house

This determination considers the compliance of Western Red Cedar weatherboards as installed with respect to weathertightness and durability.  The key issues involved are the departure from the manufacturer’s specifications in regards to the use of galvanised steel holding brads and the placement of the fixings.

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This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: