Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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1893 Determinations match your query
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2023/012: Regarding the decision to issue a code compliance certificate for alterations to an existing residential dwelling

This determination considers the decision by an authority to issue a code compliance certificate for building work undertaken to alter an existing detached residential dwelling. The determination will consider the compliance of specific elements of the building work against the requirements of a building consent and the Building Code, taking into account all the information now available.

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2023/011: Regarding the refusal to grant a building consent for alterations to an existing building

This determination considers an authority’s exercise of power of decision to refuse to grant a building consent for proposed alterations of an existing building. The determination considers the reasons given by the authority for the refusal, including the requirement for a peer review of the earthquake strengthening element of the building work.

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2023/010: Regarding the authority’s decision to refuse to grant an application for a building consent for building work to enclose an existing carport

This determination considers the authority’s decision to refuse to grant a building
consent for alterations to an existing detached building. The determination considers
the authority’s reasons for refusal and whether sufficient information was included in
the building consent application for the authority to be satisfied that the provisions of
the Building Code would be met if the building work were properly completed in
accordance with the plans and specifications that accompanied the application.

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2023/009: Regarding a proposal to issue a notice to fix and whether thirteen transportable units are vehicles or buildings

This determination is subject to appeal


This determination considers an authority’s proposal to issue a notice to fix for what it
considers is building work that has been carried out without building consent. The
matter concerns transportable dwellings, and the determination considers whether
these are vehicles or buildings that come within the ambit of the Building Act.

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2023/008: The purported refusal of a building consent on the basis that a certificate of work for a roof truss was not provided

This determination explores whether a certificate of work is required from a licensed
building practitioner for the design of the roof trusses. This requires a decision of
whether the design of roof trusses is part of the primary structure of a dwelling and
restricted building work.

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2023/007: Regarding the authority’s decision to refuse to grant a building consent for alterations to an existing building

This determination considers the authority’s decision to refuse to grant a building
consent for alterations to an existing detached building. The determination considers the
authority’s reasons for refusal and whether sufficient information was included in the
building consent application for the authority to be satisfied that the provisions of the
Building Code would be met if the building work were properly completed in accordance
with the plans and specifications that accompanied the application.

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2023/006: Regarding the compliance of a bracing design for a single-storey dwelling

This determination considers whether the bracing design for two external walls of a
single-storey timber-framed dwelling complied with the Building Code. In deciding this
matter, I have considered whether the bracing design complied with the means of
compliance stated in the building consent application, which was New Zealand
Standard NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed buildings.

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2023/005: Regarding the decision to issue a notice to fix for modifications to a shipping container

The matter to be determined, under section 177(1)(b) and (2)(f), is whether the authority was correct in its decision to issue a notice to fix for the owners’ structure. In deciding this matter, I must consider whether the structure was exempt from requiring a building consent under Schedule 1 of the Act, and whether the authority had sufficient evidence to consider on reasonable grounds that the building work did not comply with the Building Code.

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2023/004: Whether the construction of a wind turbine required a building consent and the issue of a notice to fix for its foundation

This determination considers whether the authority was correct in requiring a building consent for the construction of a wind turbine, and its decision to issue a notice to fix for the construction of the supporting foundation without a building consent being obtained. In deciding these matters, I have considered whether the wind turbine is a building and whether the foundation was exempt from the requirement to obtain a building consent.

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2023/003: Regarding the authority’s refusal to grant a building consent for the construction of a relocatable building

This determination considers whether the authority was correct to refuse to grant a building consent for the construction of a relocatable building. This determination considers the documentation requirements for a building consent application and reasons given by the authority when refusing the building consent.

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This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: