Previous determinations

Determinations are made by MBIE on matters of doubt or dispute to do with building work. Rulings are legally binding, but only in relation to each case.

Previous determinations may provide some useful guidance for those faced with similar problems, but note that individual circumstances may vary.

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2019/018: Regarding the code-compliance of a proposed design for a domestic driveway


This determination considers the compliance of a proposed design for a domestic driveway with Building Code Clause D1 Access routes, in particular in relation to the cross fall and gradient.  The determination discusses the extent to which the performance criteria in Clause D1 apply to driveways constructed in association with a dwelling and where the driveway is used by both pedestrians and vehicles.

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2018/066: Authority’s decision to issue a code compliance certificate for alterations to a relocated house

This determination considers the issue of a code compliance certificate for alterations to a relocated house.  The determination discusses the compliance of the building work with the building consent and with relevant clauses of the Building Code

2018/063: Building Code compliance of the proposed location for large toilet paper dispensers in accessible public toilets

This determination considers the code compliance of large toilet paper dispensers installed in prefabricated public toilets - the location of the dispensers differs from that shown in the relevant Acceptable Solution.  The prefabricated toilets are built under a consent issued at the point of manufacture and relocated throughout the country using a separate buidling consent for the site installation.

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2018/059: Issue of a notice to fix in respect of the compliance schedule and building warrant of fitness for a building

Note: This determination is subject to clarification


This determination concerns a notice to fix issued by an authority in respect of the specified systems in a building, the compliance schedule, and the building warrant of fitness. The determination considers whether the notice to fix was correctly issued, the information to be provided in a compliance schedule, and the issue of the building warrant of fitness.

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2018/042: Refusal to issue a code compliance certificate for a viewing platform

This determination considers the compliance of a viewing platform and associated parking with Clause D1 Access routes, and whether an access route to the platform for people with disabilities was needed. The determination also considers whether the gravel access track and car parking provide reasonable and adequate access in terms of Clauses D1 and B2 Durability.

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2018/036: Compliance of a new swimming pool complex, in relation to access for people with disabilities into the pools

This determination considers whether installation of a hoist will satisfy the provisions concerning access for people with disabilities to the pool.  The determination considers whether members of the public will be admitted to the pool and therefore whether section 118 applies, and whether a waiver or modification of Clause D1 can be granted.

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2018/034: Refusal of a code compliance certificate for an addition

This determination considers the authority's refusal to issue the code compliance certificate for a substantial addition to an existing studio building. The refusal arose from matters related to Building Code Clauses D1, E2, E3, and F4, but the principle issue was an ongoing dispute about the water from neighbouring properties and a small drain that has been installed to divert some of this water. The determination considers whether the drain formed part of the consented work or not.

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2018/032: Open risers in an existing building undergoing alterations

This determination considers the authority’s refusal to grant an amendment to a building consent for alterations.  The applicant seeks to remove the requirement to close risers to the single set of stairs providing access to the upper level.  The determination discusses the application of section 112(1)(a) in the circumstances, and the assessment of compliance with Clause D1 Access routes to the extent "as nearly as is reasonably practicable"

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2018/018: Decision to aggregate the floor areas of two buildings in a new development to determine Clause D1 Access requirements

This determination considers the access requirements for a new office building being constructed as part of a development that includes an adjacent hotel.  The determination discusses aggregation of floor areas for the purpose of establishing whether the requirement for a lift is triggered.

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2018/009: Refusal to issue a code compliance certificate in respect of remedial work to decks

This determination considers the compliance of the remedial work carried out to eight decks. The determination considers the authority’s reasons for refusing to issue the code compliance certificate and whether the building work complies with the requirements of the Building Code.

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This information is published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Chief Executive. It is a general guide only and, if used, does not relieve any person of the obligation to consider any matter to which the information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case. Expert advice may be required in specific circumstances. Where this information relates to assisting people: