2019/028: Regarding the code compliance of parapet and post details without metal cap flashings to membrane decks

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Explanatory note

This determination contained an error when it was issued on 26 June 2019. At Paragraph 5.6.6 it read, “I note here the torch-on-membrane, which the authority issued a building consent for (refer paragraph 4.5.1), is permitted within the Acceptable Solution as a capping material to parapets".

To provide clarity paragraph 5.6.6 is now to be read as follows, “I note here metal, butyl or EPDM membranes are the materials specified in the Acceptable Solution as capping materials to parapets. The authority issued a building consent (refer paragraph 3.7) for the torch on membrane, which established that the authority was satisfied with the compliance of that material as a weathertightness system."

This determination considers the compliance of parapet and post details without metal cap flashings to two membrane decks. The determination discusses the details and whether the building work complies with the Building Code in regard to Clause E2 External moisture.

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