Compliance with other legislation
Documents submitted with a building consent application sometimes contain information that does not relate to Building Code compliance, but is still relevant to a territorial authority or regional authority.
Details in the specifications and plans may, for example, be included to show compliance with:
- the District Plan (a Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) issue)
- other Acts (such as the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987)
- council bylaws.
In these cases, the building consent authority may approve an amendment, but a condition regarding other legislation (for example, RMA) may be imposed by the territorial authority or regional authority.
This guidance document relates to amendments that are proposed to the approved building work in relation to the Building Code, as that is how the building consent and inspection process is ringfenced in legislation.
A local authority officer who attends to RMA and other Act or bylaw issues on a building site does so using delegations under the Local Government Act 2002. These activities are outside the scope of the Building Act and this guide.