Extending EPB notice deadlines
Last updated: 26 November 2024

The Government has passed the Building (Earthquake-prone Building Deadlines and Other Matters) Amendment Act that will extend earthquake-prone building remediation deadlines by 4 years. Territorial authorities are required to promptly re-issue earthquake-prone building notices to these buildings and to update the register of earthquake-prone buildings (the EPB Register).
Buildings that have an earthquake-prone building (EPB) notice with a deadline on or after 2 April 2024 will have a 4-year extension to their notice expiry. There will an option for the Government to extend up to a further 2 years. This is to allow owners of earthquake-prone buildings additional time to remediate their buildings whilst the review takes place.
The extension does not apply to any EPB notices with an expiry on or prior to 1 April 2024. Territorial authorities should continue to follow up with owners of buildings with expired EPB notices.
Compliance and enforcement of the earthquake-prone building system
Quick guide – Extending remediation deadlines for earthquake-prone buildings [PDF 985KB]