Low Damage Seismic Design resources
Last updated: 29 January 2025
Low Damage Seismic Design (LDSD) resources provide guidance on designing buildings that perform better in an earthquake, ensuring their continued use after an earthquake event.
LDSD resources are jointly developed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), the sector and Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake (NHC) - naturalhazards.govt.nz
The resources are about:
- future-proofing buildings, protecting investments and enabling faster community recovery after an earthquake
- shifting towards greater resilience, sustainability, and peace of mind for building owners, developers and building tenants in the face of seismic uncertainty
- promoting a consistent building design approach among project parties
- reducing seismic damage to buildings and improving recovery times
- protecting assets by integrating low damage principles throughout the building lifecycle—from design to operation
- addressing lessons from the Canterbury and Kaikōura earthquakes and the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission recommendations.
There are various LDSD options available for building owners, developers and design teams who want to ensure earthquake resilience in their projects.
The options can be tailored to meet the specific needs, values, budget, and timelines.
LDSD resources are made up of 3 volumes covering:
- the thinking behind LDSD and its benefits
- performance frameworks, and
- technical guidance for LDSD implementation.
Volume one: Benefits, options and getting started
LDSD volume one introduces the thinking behind Low Damage Seismic Design (LDSD) and the benefits.
LDSD volume one:
- has an explanation of key concepts and terms involved with LDSD
- outlines the value of an LDSD approach to building design for building developers and owners
- provides advice on how to start an LDSD project
- explains the limitations of seismic performance of buildings designed to the New Zealand Building Code (the Building Code).
Intended audience
Commercial and multi-storey residential building owners, developers.
Volume one has pull out guides for commercial building tenants and apartment owners and tenants.
When to use
Use volume one for limiting future earthquake damage and faster recovery and you are:
- in the concept phase of a building design project, or
- considering purchasing or leasing a new building.
Publication date
December 2024
Volume two: Performance framework
LDSD volume two sets out:
- the recommended performance framework for LDSD projects, and
- how LDSD projects fit within the New Zealand building regulatory system.
The performance framework defines:
- LDSD outcome objectives, and
- related performance goals for life safety, asset protection, and improved functionality.
Intended audience
Building owners, developers, tenants, project managers and design consultants.
When to use
Use volume two throughout the design stages of a building project.
Publication date
Expected in 2025.
Volume three: Technical guidance
Volume three provides:
- detailed LDSD technical design criteria, and
- solutions and related project requirements.
Intended audience
Project managers, design consultants, contractors, and facilities management.
When to use
Use volume three throughout the design, construction, and operational life cycle of a building.
Publication date
Expected in 2025.