Last updated: 30 October 2024

MBIE's Climate Change Work Programme has a range of resources to support more informed decisions to achieve energy efficient, low carbon and resilient buildings.
Some of the terminology and key concepts are difficult to define and apply to building and building work. To help with this, a glossary is now available. It contains the top terms you need to know to understand the impact of the building sector on climate change.
Smart steps to lowering emissions
Try some of these smart steps to help lower emissions and make your home or building more resilient to climate change.
Read smart steps in the Smarter Homes Guides
Weather files for Aotearoa New Zealand
Building scientists who model buildings in Aotearoa New Zealand using energy and hygrothermal simulation software can use these free weather files, which include versions that take into account future climate conditions.
Download free Aotearoa New Zealand weather files
MBIE has commissioned research to support the Climate Change Work Programme and how we can work with the sector to reduce emissions and increase the climate resilience of the built environment in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Cost-neutral, low-carbon residential construction (Nov 2022) – this demonstrates that reductions of up to 12% of embodied carbon is achievable at no additional cost, and recommends that increasing accessibility of credible data and easy-to-use tools will make it easier to optimise the carbon impacts of construction without adding cost.
Delivering low-carbon buildings as the default (March 2023) – this explores group home builders’ attitudes, motivators, barriers and potential opportunities for low carbon buildings.
Modelling the role of time in carbon footprints for building elements: testing different methodologies (April 2024) – this research project applies a dynamic life cycle assessment approach to a typical New Zealand house, to improve understanding of the impact of embodied carbon emissions over time in a New Zealand context.
Embodied Carbon impacts of options for seismically deficient existing buildings (August 2024) – this study quantifies the embodied carbon savings from reusing rather than demolishing two typical EPB existing building typologies.
Industry initiatives
Take a look at a range of initiatives led by industry that are supporting the building and construction sector to reduce emissions and increase the climate resilience of our built environment.
Emissions reduction
New Zealand Green Building Council research
New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) published research and guides to improve our understanding of the impact of construction on our environment, including a detailed methodology for assessing embodied carbon.
NZGBC research and reports -
Low-carbon building tools
Building Research Association New Zealand (BRANZ) have a developed a range of tools, including calculators and datasets, to support the design of low carbon buildings.
Low-carbon tools -
Transitioning to a zero-carbon built environment
BRANZ research programme to support the building and construction industry to deliver net-zero carbon buildings in an affordable way.
Transition to a zero-carbon built environment -
REBRI toolbox for reducing building waste
BRANZ resources, including guides, plans, case studies and a directory of waste management facilities, to support minimising construction waste and maximising opportunities for resource efficiency.
REBRI: Reducing building material waste -
Level, the authority on sustainable building
BRANZ has developed and maintains a huge amount of information on how to design and build more sustainable homes.
Level - how to design and build more sustainable buildings -
Low carbon construction procurement guide
New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) produced this practical guide to procuring lower carbon buildings.
NZGP low carbon building procurement guide -
Building out waste and carbon in the construction sector
The Sustainable Business Network has a wealth of resources on achieving more sustainable outcomes in the building and construction sector, including these case studies on reducing waste and carbon associated with buildings.
Building out waste and carbon in the construction sector - case studies -
Solar energy estimator
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) SolarView estimates the solar energy that can be collected by a solar panel at a given address.
SolarView calculator -
GenLess advice for homes
The Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (EECA) website has a host of resources to help improve a home's energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and build low carbon.
GenLess advice for homes -
Personalised advice service
Eco Design Advisors can help improve the performance and reduce emissions of your home, either when building new or renovating.
Personalised advice service -
Offsite Manufacturing and Low Carbon Housing
Offsite NZ partnered with government to produce this review of how supply chains for Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) can deliver emissions reductions in the provision of housing.
Offsite Manufacturing and Low Carbon Housing -
Homeowner manuals and guides
Beacon Pathway turned their research into advice about how to make homes warmer, drier and more energy and water efficient.
Homeowner information -
Carbon Neutral Government Programme
Ministry of the Environment published this guide on how to report on embodied emissions associated with buildings.
Reporting and target setting in the Carbon Neutral Government Programme -
BRANZ guide on restoring a home after a flood
BRANZ bulletin on health and safety considerations, tips for cleaning up inside and outside, drying out the house and repairs.
Guide to restoring a home after a flood -
Adaptation for new buildings for climate change
Guide to improving resilience of new buildings to higher wind speeds.
BRANZ adaptation guide -
Find the natural hazards on a property
The BRANZ property tool shows the wind and earthquake zone of properties in Aotearoa New Zealand.
BRANZ property viewer -
Be prepared - how safe you home will be in a disaster
Information guidance and research on natural hazards and how to make homes safer.
Natural hazards Commmission - Toka Tū Ake -
Protecting property from the risk of wildfires
Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) guide with simple tips for homeowners to protect property from wildfires.
Widlfire safer housing guide -
Assessment and remediation of water damage to plasterboard
GIB Guide for assessment and remediation of water damaged plasterboard.
Assessment and remediation of water damage -
Please note: The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to or referenced from this site (MBIE neither endorses the information, content, presentation or accuracy of such other websites, nor make any warranty, express or implied, regarding these other sites).
If you have information on other initiatives which support the building and construction sector to reduce emissions and increase the climate resilience of our built environment and want to share, email