Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods (AS and VMs) were called compliance documents. Some still have the “compliance document” title but the AS or VMs they contain are valid and unaffected by the name change.
3rd edition, amendment 2
Effective on 10 October 2011 until 30 May 2017
All of the Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods relating to H1 are contained in one document.
- Defines the Building Performance Index (BPI) in relation to a building.
- H1/VM1 provides a verification method for the building thermal envelope and the modelling of housing and small buildings, and other large buildings. It gives replacement tables for certain minimum insulation/R-values and a means of determining thermal resistance.
- H1/AS1 to be used for housing, communal residential, communal non-residential and commercial buildings. It gives replacement tables for minimum insulation/R-values and a means to comply for control of airflow, solar heat gain, hot water systems and artificial lighting.
Defines the Building Performance Index (BPI) in relation to a building.
Provides verification methods and acceptable solutions for the building thermal envelope. Applies to housing, communal and commercial buildings. Modelling of housing and small buildings, and other large buildings. Determines insulation/R-values by building size, climate zone, construction method and building classification.